
Fair funding to achieve excellence and equity in education: consultation

This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government’s future approach to school funding.

The consultation invites views on the way education is currently funded in Scotland, the purpose of developing a new, more consistent approach to school fundi

Summary Of Questions And Respondent Information Form

Question 1
(a)What are the advantages of the current system of funding schools?
(b)What are the disadvantages of the current system of funding schools?

Question 2
(a)What are the benefits to headteachers of the current Devolved School Management schemes?
(b)What are the barriers that headteachers currently face in exercising their responsibilities under Devolved School Management? How could these barriers be removed?

Question 3
How can funding for schools be best targeted to support excellence and equity for all?

Question 4
(a)What elements of school spending should headteachers be responsible for managing and why?
(b)What elements of school spending should headteachers not be responsible for managing and why?
(c)What elements of school spending are not suitable for inclusion in a standardised, Scotland-wide approach and why?

Question 5
(a)What would be the advantages of an approach where the current system of funding schools is largely retained, but with a greater proportion of funding allocated directly to:
1. Schools;
2. Clusters; or
3. Regional Improvement Collaboratives?
(b)What would be the disadvantages of an approach where the current system of funding schools is largely retained, but with a greater proportion of funding allocated directly to:
1. Schools;
2. Clusters; or
3. Regional Improvement Collaboratives?

Question 6
The Scottish Government's education governance reforms will empower headteachers to make more decisions about resources at their school. What support will headteachers require to enable them to fulfil these responsibilities effectively?

Question 7
What factors should be taken into account in devising accountability and reporting measures to support greater responsibility for funding decisions at school level?

Question 8
Do you have any other comments about fair funding for schools?


Email: Deborah Davies

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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