
Fair Start Scotland: annual report - year 3

This report highlights the progress that our national employment support service Fair Start Scotland has made in its third year of delivery. It draws from evaluation evidence and provider and participant feedback to show the impact the service had on individuals and communities throughout 2020/2021.

2. Story of Year 3: Highlights

Key figures

Year 3 (Apr 2020 – Mar 2021)

Despite the significant impact that COVID-19 has had on Fair Start Scotland, the service continued to perform well in its third year.

  • 14,000 referrals were made to the service in Year 3.
  • 10,357 people joined the service in Year 3.
  • 4,170 people who have joined the service started a job in Year 3 by June 2021.

Years 1 - 3 (Apr 2018 – Mar 2021)

A total of 48,755 referrals were made to Fair Start Scotland in the first three years of the service. Of those, 67% subsequently chose to participate.

  • A total of 32,505 people joined the service.
  • 11,522 (35%) participants had started a job.
  • 71% of those who started a job sustained employment for at least 3 months.
  • 78% of those who sustained employment for at least 3 months went on to reach at least 6 months.
  • 77% of those who sustained employment for 6 months went on to reach at least 1 year.

Comparisons between Years 1, 2 and 3

The pause on Jobcentre Plus referrals impacted the overall number of people who joined the service in Year 3. However the conversion rate from referrals to starts and job starts both increased in Year 3.

Number of people who joined the service

  • Year 1: 10,063
  • Year 2: 12,085
  • Year 3: 10,357

Conversion rates for referrals to starts

  • Year 1: 57%
  • Year 2: 71%
  • Year 3: 74%

Number of people who started jobs[1]

  • Year 1: 3257
  • Year 2: 4095
  • Year 3: 4170

Who is using Fair Start Scotland?[2]

  • 64% of those joining Fair Start Scotland reported having a long-term health condition.
  • 43% of those joining Fair Start Scotland were disabled.[3]

Proportions of women / men joining the service

Year 1

  • Female: 35%
  • Male: 65%

Year 2

  • Female: 37%
  • Male: 63%

Year 3[4]

  • Female: 40%
  • Male: 59%

Minority Ethnic participants joining the service

  • Year 1: 364
  • Year 2: 739
  • Year 3: 454

Compared with Year 2, Year 3 had:

  • A higher proportion of female participants
  • A lower proportion of disabled participants
  • A higher proportion of younger participants (aged 16-34)

With the exception of lone parents, which remained the same compared to Year 2, Year 3 had a lower proportion of:

  • Participants with convictions
  • Refugees
  • Those who are care experienced

Length of time unemployed before joining Fair Start Scotland

% Unemployed less than 6 months

  • Year 1: 3%
  • Year 2: 18%
  • Year 3: 27%

% Unemployed 24 months or more

  • Year 1: 36%
  • Year 2: 41%
  • Year 3: 21%

Early leavers

11,954 (49%) of people who started Fair Start Scotland left the service early.[5]

Where we have a complete picture (i.e. data from Years 1 and 2) 49% of people left the service early.

There has been a reduction over time, 53% of participants who joined in Year 1 left early, and 46% of participants who joined in Year 2 left early.

What people think of Fair Start Scotland

Participants’ overall satisfaction with the service has remained consistently high across each year of the service.

  • 95% of people feel they weretreated with dignity and respect (a 4 percentage point increase from Year 2).
  • 82% of people felt the service took account of their individual needs and circumstances (a 2 percentage point increase from Year 2).
  • 84% of people felt the service offered support to improve their general quality of life and well-being (a 3 percentage point increase from Year 2).
  • 83% felt they were in control of their progress on the service (a 3 percentage point increase from Year 2).



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