
Fair Start Scotland: economic evaluation

Findings from an independent economic evaluation of the delivery and outcomes of the Fair Start Scotland employment service. The evaluation relates to the first three years of the service, from April 2018 to March 2021.

Annex C: Detailed results of the cost-benefit analysis

This annex shows the detailed results of the main cost-benefit analysis from the perspectives of society, public finance, and participants.

Table C1. Detailed results of the main cost-benefit analysis from the perspective of society [50]
Groups Total benefits Programme costs Total
Monetised Change in Quality of Life Total benefit (net + distributional + QALY) Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Group 1 105,798,410 43,628,895 52,160,348 38,005,663 135,255,306 2.0
Group 2 34,145,826 14,385,982 17,154,042 12,531,805 45,436,252 2.0
Group 3 3,850,002 1,582,090 1,881,550 1,378,178 4,563,155 2.0
Group 4 517,108 213,398 253,657 185,894 638,876 2.0
Group 5 380,736 176,605 206,458 153,843 423,654 1.8
Group 6 126,510 44,151 53,670 38,461 143,384 2.4
Group 7 13,366,246 6,107,604 6,956,062 5,320,408 16,482,798 1.9
Group 8 1,207,793 551,892 628,560 480,760 1,561,832 1.9
Group 9 394,458 169,247 193,050 147,433 437,763 2.0
Group 10 17,604 7,359 8,417 6,410 20,501 2.1
Group 11 47,138 22,076 24,922 19,230 47,639 1.9
Group 13 7,012,533 2,774,177 3,042,109 2,416,619 10,586,334 2.3
Group 14 436,647 183,964 200,904 160,253 672,016 2.2
Group 15 157,784 58,868 64,625 51,281 230,375 2.4
Group 17 17,604 7,359 8,016 6,410 23,195 2.2

Source: Analysis of management information, Wave 3 survey data, cost data, and post-2021 forecasts.

Table C2. Detailed results of the main cost-benefit analysis from the perspective of public finance
Groups Total benefits Total costs Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Group 1 70,163,651 43,628,895 1.6
Group 2 22,540,138 14,385,982 1.6
Group 3 2,556,628 1,582,090 1.6
Group 4 343,783 213,398 1.6
Group 5 241,319 176,605 1.4
Group 6 88,672 44,151 2.0
Group 7 8,599,782 6,107,604 1.4
Group 8 778,512 551,892 1.4
Group 9 261,043 169,247 1.5
Group 10 11,774 7,359 1.6
Group 11 30,241 22,076 1.4
Group 13 4,703,260 2,774,177 1.7
Group 14 285,836 183,964 1.6
Group 15 101,183 58,868 1.7
Group 17 11,663 7,359 1.6

Source: Analysis of management information, Wave 3 survey data, cost data, and post-2021 forecasts.

Table C3. Detailed results of the main cost-benefit analysis from the perspective of participants
Groups Total Benefits Total Costs Total benefit (Net + distributional + QALY) Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Group 1 126,175,183 89,681,258 138,515,479 1.4
Group 2 40,679,857 28,879,468 47,355,974 1.4
Group 3 4,372,068 3,058,795 4,556,651 1.4
Group 4 586,978 411,406 644,853 1.4
Group 5 426,755 288,857 449,618 1.5
Group 6 145,846 105,664 128,363 1.4
Group 7 15,857,672 10,699,367 17,749,073 1.5
Group 8 1,432,922 968,589 1,692,581 1.5
Group 9 445,956 300,935 440,465 1.5
Group 10 19,957 13,575 20,523 1.5
Group 11 52,777 34,806 49,750 1.5
Group 13 8,379,521 5,498,126 11,151,282 1.5
Group 14 520,203 335,549 729,995 1.6
Group 15 180,841 109,900 242,461 1.6
Group 17 19,957 12,769 24,197 1.6

Source: Analysis of management information, Wave 3 survey data, cost data, and post-2021 forecasts.



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