
Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 1: implementation and early delivery review

This Fair Start Scotland (FSS) evaluation report covers evaluation findings and data analysis relating to the implementation and early delivery of FSS employment support services in the first 6 months of delivery.


An errata to this report was published on 02/07/2019. The changes are to pages 3,4 and 6 to clarify the timeframe of unemployment statistics (from the May 2019 release for Jan-Mar 19 data) and to correct the name of the research contractor from Rocket Science Ltd to Rocket Science UK Ltd.


1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Reach of Fair Start Scotland Services: April – Sept 2018

4. Mobilisation and pre-launch

5. Awareness and motivation

6. Process: referrals and service delivery

7. Values and Principles

8. Reflections and Next Steps

Appendix 1: FSS policy and delivery background information

Appendix 2: Fair Start Scotland Service Providers and Contract Areas

Appendix 3: FSS Evaluation Plan

Appendix 4: Evaluation methods used in this report



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