
Fair Start Scotland: evaluation report 4 - year 3 overview

This report sets out findings from an evaluation of the Fair Start Scotland service. The findings are drawn from a range of research activities involving participants, service providers and key delivery partners, undertaken during the third year of delivery, covering April 2020 to March 2021

Appendix 4: Further information on data

Levels and proportions are all based those aged 16-64 who fall within the definition of unemployment. These will therefore differ from headline estimates which are based on those aged 16+.

Gender is self-reported by respondents participating in the Annual Population Survey. No documentation is asked for by the interviewer or provided by the respondent. Hence, analysis is based on 'gender' rather than 'sex'.

Disability is based on the 2010 Equality Act definition. This harmonised definition is based on self-reported health conditions which have lasted 12 months or more which limit ability to carry out day-to day activities a little or a lot. The 2010 Equality Act superseded the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995.

'Minority ethnic' includes all categories outside of the white population. 'White' includes 'White-Polish' and 'White Gypsy' who also suffer disadvantage.

Urban and Rural refers to the Scottish Government 2016 Urban Rural 2-fold classification.

SIMD 2020 used for 15% most deprived areas analysis.

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

☒ may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors. Please contact for further information.



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