Fair Work action plan: evidence plan
The Fair Work evidence plan sets out the approach to data and evidence which will support the Fair Work Action Plan to promote fair and inclusive workplaces across Scotland.
Annex 2: Overview of Fair Work indicators contained in existing indicator frameworks
Fair Work Dimension: Effective Voice
Fair Work Convention Framework
- Trade union membership and presence
- Collective bargaining (workers and employers)
- Adequate channels for employees to communicate, influence and negotiate
NSET Indicators of Success
- Employee Voice
National Performance Framework Indicators
- Employee Voice
Fair Work Dimension: Opportunities
Fair Work Convention Framework
- Disability employment gap
- Ethnicity employment gap
- Youth unemployment rate
- Economic inactivity
- Career progression
- Vertical and horizontal occupational segregation
- Access to flexible working
NSET Indicators of Success
- Gender employment rate gap
National Performance Framework Indicators
- Gender employment rate gap
Fair Work Dimension: Security
Fair Work Convention Framework
- Employees earning less than the real living wage
- Gender pay gap
- Permanent employment
- Involuntary non-permanent work
- Median gross week earnings (nominal and real)
- Under-employment (hours)
- Involuntary part-time work
- Hours of unpaid overtime
- Disability pay gap
- Ethnicity pay gap
- Zero Hours contracts
- Sick pay entitlement
NSET Indicators of Success
- Employees earning less than the real living wage
- Gender pay gap
- Contractually secure employment
- Income inequalities
Wellbeing Economy Monitor Indicators
- Employees earning less than the real living wage
- Gender pay gap
- Income inequalities
National Performance Framework Indicators
- Employees earning less than the real living wage
- Gender pay gap
- Contractually secure employment
Fair Work Dimension: Fulfilment
Fair Work Convention Framework
- Job-related training
- Skill shortage vacancies
- Skills underutilisation
- Employer provided training
- Type of training (on/off the job) and duration
- Autonomy/
- influence
- Work intensity
NSET Indicators of Success
- Job-related training
- Skill shortage vacancies
- Skills mismatched
National Performance Framework Indicators
- Job-related training
- Skill shortage vacancies
- Skills under-utilisation
Fair Work Dimension: Respect
Fair Work Convention Framework
- Work-related ill health
- Working days lost due to ill-health
- Stress, anxiety or depression caused by work
- Working days lost due to stress, depression or anxiety
- Workplace non-fatal injuries
- Working days lost as a result of workplace injuries
- Fatal injuries
- Discrimination, harassment or bullying at work
National Performance Framework Indicators
- Work-related ill health
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