
Fair Work: action plan

This document sets out the strategic approach the Scottish Government is taking to help achieve the 2025 vision for Fair Work.

2. Purpose

Fair Work can drive productivity, release untapped potential and inspire innovation - all of which add value to jobs and to business and in turn create stronger, more sustainable and inclusive growth.

Increasing the quality of jobs can support the reform of our public services and improve outcomes for the people of Scotland. Fair Work is also crucial to our collective ambition to eradicate child poverty by supporting families with children gain more income through employment and providing flexible job opportunities that respect caring responsibilities and other commitments workers may have.

The Scottish Government's commitment to promoting Fair Work is set out in Scotland's Economic Strategy, National Performance Framework, Economic Recovery Implementation Plan and our Labour Market Strategy. Fair Work is also a key theme for the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board.

The Fair Work Action Plan forms part of a suite of Labour Market Action Plans being developed by the Scottish Government to help focus policies and resources on progressing national indicators and delivering national outcomes. This also includes the:

Despite the fact that powers over employment law are currently reserved, the Scottish Government recognises that it has an important leadership role in promoting Fair Work. Our distinct, progressive and collaborative approach has put Scotland at the forefront of this agenda. This includes the establishment and continued support of the independent Fair Work Convention, our approach to Fair Work in public procurement and the inclusion of Fair Work indicators in the National Performance Framework.

The Fair Work Convention, which independently advises the Scottish Government on Fair Work, published its Fair Work Framework in 2016. It sets a vision that, by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where Fair Work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and society.

The Fair Work Framework defines Fair Work as work that offers effective voice, respect, security, opportunity and fulfilment; it balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers, and can generate benefits for individuals, organisations and society.

The Convention developed the Framework to be used as a guide to best practice for everyone in the workplace; to help improve understanding of Fair Work, benchmark existing practice, and to identify areas where improvement can be made.

The actions the Scottish Government is taking through the Fair Work Action Plan cover three broad themes aiming to:

1. Support employers to adopt Fair Work practices.

2. Deliver Fair Work to a diverse and inclusive workforce.

3. Embed Fair Work across the Scottish Government.



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