
Fair Work: action plan

This document sets out the strategic approach the Scottish Government is taking to help achieve the 2025 vision for Fair Work.

23. About This Action Plan

In developing the Fair Work Action Plan, we have sought to progress recommendations of the Fair Work Convention's Fair Work Framework and to reflect advice provided from our key stakeholders, including the STUC and a range of employers, on how Fair Work can best be promoted and delivered.

We will also build on the aims and the recommendations from the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board. A key recommendation from the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board's Strategic Plan is for the "Scottish Government to embed progressive business models, workplace innovation and Fair Work in all instruments of government and agencies, ensuring business support is conditional on a commitment to Fair Work". Many public agencies are already making progress in mainstreaming Fair Work and we will build on and learn from these examples.

There are many employers already championing the dimensions of Fair Work and there is an increasing evidence base demonstrating the benefits to workers and to business. We must build on this and communicate a business case for Fair Work to employers across Scotland.

The Scottish Government and Business in the Community Scotland held five workshops in different parts of Scotland (September – November 2018) to gain employer input to the development of the Fair Work Action Plan. Through these workshops we engaged with around 50 employers with a mix of sectoral representation and size of business.

This included sessions to:

  • Share best practice examples/case studies of Fair Work.
  • Understand barriers to implementing Fair Work – real or perceived.
  • Gain employer insight to the support/tools employers need to help them implement Fair Work practices.

Business in the Community Scotland provided the Scottish Government with feedback and recommendations from the workshops which we have considered and reflected in the development of the Fair Work Action Plan. Business in the Community Scotlad have published a report on the workshops.

Additionally, a Fair Work Employer Survey was undertaken to engage with a wider range of employers on how Fair Work is currently being applied in workplaces. Over 560 responses were received with a majority of responses from small and micro businesses.

Feedback from employers suggests that they want a mechanism through which they can engage and network with other employers. We are working with employers through the Scottish Business Pledge to develop mechanisms that help employers of all sizes, sectors and locations, align their policies and practices with the dimensions of Fair Work. Our ask of employers is therefore to work with government, with employees, with trade unions, and with each other to share best practice, to provide peer support and, ultimately, to help build a Fair Work movement which brings real value to all employers and all workers.



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