Fair Work First - conditionality in public sector grants: business and regulatory impact assessment

This business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) builds on the BRIA of the refreshed Fair Work action plan and anti-racist employment strategy (April 2023) which considered the impacts of Fair Work First (FWF) conditionality alongside the other actions in the action plan and strategy. This further BRIA looks at the impacts of FWF.

Annex C – Interview and Survey Questions in Full

Part A – About you

  • Name(s)
  • Organisation (if applicable)
  • Do you consent to your responses being published?
  • Which of the following area does your organisation operate in, ie, urban, rural, island etc?
  • How many workers does your organisation you currently have?
  • Do you currently pay at least the rLW to your workforce?
  • Do you have effective voice mechanisms in place in your organisation?

Part B - Questions for Grant Applicants / Recipients

About the grants you have applied for

  • What is the average number of grants you have received each year?
  • What is the average total value of the grants you receive each year?
  • Did your organisation apply for/request grant funding from the Scottish Government or another public sector organisation before 1 July 2023?
    • If yes, were any of your applications successful?
    • If yes – were fair work first principles included in the terms of the grant?
      • Yes – but the rLW and EV conditionality was not included because the grant was awarded before 1 July
      • Yes – and the rLW and EV conditional was included because the grant was awarded on or after 1 July
  • Has your organisation applied for/requested grant funding from Scottish Government or another public sector organisation since 1 July 2023?
    • If No, why not?
    • If yes, were any of your applications/requests successful?
    • If yes, who verified your FWF statement? (Trade union or other worker’s representative)
    • If yes, were you able to meet the rLW and effective voice conditions
  • If you didn’t meet the rLW conditions, why not? Details of any plans going forward
    • Did you apply for an exception?
      • If yes, what was the outcome?
      • If no, what was the reason?
      • If yes, how did you find the exception process?

Impact Of rLW and Effective Voice Conditions on your Organisation

In relation to rLW

  • What have been (or would have been) the main positive impacts of meeting this condition on your organisation?
  • What have been (or would have been) the main challenges of meeting this condition on your organisation?
  • How has this (or how would this have) impacted on young workers and/or apprentices in your organisation?

In relation to effective voice

  • What have been (or would have been) the main positive impacts of meeting this condition on your organisation?
  • What have been (or would have been) the main challenges of meeting this condition on your organisation?

Future Look

  • In relation to rLW, is there anything you would like to see changed in the Fair Work First conditionality approach that would make it easier to implement?
  • In relation to Effective Voice, is there anything you would like to see changed in the Fair Work First conditionality approach that would make it easier to implement?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add regarding the application of rLW and Effective Voice in public sector grants that you think we should be considering?

Part C – Questions for Grant Funders

  • What is the average number of grants you award each year?
  • What is the average total value of the grants you award each year?
  • Approximately how many applications / requests for grants have you received from 1 July 2023?
  • Approximately how many grant applications / requests met the rLW and effective voice conditions?
  • Of those that didn’t meet the rLW, how many requested an exception?
  • How many exceptions has your organisation approved?
  • If you refused a request for an exception (over and above affordability) what was the reason(s)?
  • What, if any, challenges has your organisation experienced in relation to applying the rLW conditionality in your grant(s)
  • What, if any, challenges has your organisation experienced in relation to applying the effective voice conditionality in your grant(s)
  • In relation to rLW is there anything you would like to see changed in the Fair Work First conditionality approach that would make it easier to implement?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add regarding the application of rLW and Effective Voice in public sector grants that you think we should be considering?


Email: fairworkcommissioning@gov.scot

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