Fair Work First - conditionality in public sector grants: business and regulatory impact assessment

This business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) builds on the BRIA of the refreshed Fair Work action plan and anti-racist employment strategy (April 2023) which considered the impacts of Fair Work First (FWF) conditionality alongside the other actions in the action plan and strategy. This further BRIA looks at the impacts of FWF.

7. Regulatory and EU Alignment Impacts

The following sets out the regulatory and EU alignment impacts of Fair Work First conditionality. The regulatory context within which Scottish Government policy is developed changed on 31 December 2020 when the UK left the EU single market.

7.1 Intra-UK Trade

The policy is not likely to directly impact on intra-UK trade.

7.2 International Trade

The policy is not likely to directly impact on international trade.

7.3 EU Alignment

The policy is not likely to impact on the Scottish Government’s policy of EU Alignment or any potential to rejoin the EU. Although, FWF conditionality could be regarded as a divergence from EU law as this policy is concerned with advancing and improving standards it is not expected to cause any issues for future Accession.


Email: fairworkcommissioning@gov.scot

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