
Fair Work First: guidance - March 2023

Update November 2024: this guidance has been updated, including to clarify evidence requirements for demonstrating compliance with the real Living Wage and effective voice grant conditions, and offering a more streamlined evidence gathering process. The updated guidance is at

Strategic context

Our vision is for Scotland to be a leading Fair Work Nation by 2025, where Fair Work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, organisations and society. The Scottish Government shares this vision with the Fair Work Convention, the independent body that advises government on Fair Work.

Scotland is leading the way in creating a wellbeing economy; delivering sustainable and inclusive growth for the people of Scotland.

The National Strategy for Economic Transformation 2022 (NSET) sets out the priorities for Scotland's economy as well as the actions needed to maximise the opportunities of the next decade to achieve our vision of a wellbeing economy. It sets out five key policy programmes of action, including 'a fairer and more equal society' which aims to reorient our economy towards wellbeing and fair work, to deliver higher rates of employment and wage growth, to significantly reduce structural poverty, particularly child poverty, and improve health, cultural and social outcomes for disadvantaged families and communities.

This means creating a more resilient economy where businesses can thrive, innovate and create good quality jobs in a way that enhances quality of life, reduces inequalities and is compatible with a net zero, sustainable economy. Achieving this relies on leadership and support from right across our economy, particularly from the public sector which, as a significant employer and administrator of funding, has a key role to play in demonstrating the standards that will make a positive difference to people and the economy.

The strategic ambitions for Fair Work are set out in our refreshed Fair Work Action Plan: Becoming a leading Fair Work Nation by 2025. This brings together our original Fair Work, Gender Pay Gap, and Disabled People's Employment action plans, along with our new Anti-Racist Employment Strategy – A Fairer Scotland for All. Together the Action Plan and Strategy seek to address structural barriers and systems that create unequal conditions and opportunities for one group of people over another and eradicate systemic racism, disablism, sexism, and ageism which are still a real experience for many people.



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