
Fairer Scotland Action Plan

Fifty actions to help tackle poverty, reduce inequality and build a fairer and more inclusive Scotland.

A Fairer Scotland - Five Ambitions And Fifty Actions

Five Ambitions By 2030

The Fairer Scotland Action Plan is built on Five High-level Ambitions that we will focus on in the period to 2030.

1 A Fairer Scotland For All

2 Ending Child Poverty

3 A Strong Start For All Young People

4 Fairer Working Lives

5 A Thriving Third Age

50 Fairness Actions For This Parliamentary Term

At the heart of the Plan are 50 Fairness Actions For This Parliamentary Term that will help us meet these ambitions, ranging across the responsibilities of government.

The plan also includes key strategies being taken forward to deliver a fairer Scotland and additional actions on new research and analysis.

How will we know that the plan is really delivering? We will issue a Progress Report by the end of 2019, setting out what we've achieved and how the plan has helped us make progress on our ambitions, and in line with our legal obligations to integrate equality in our work. We will look at what's working well and less well, why and for whom.

This Action Plan is the start of a long-term commitment to help shape a fairer Scotland. We will see these actions through for this parliamentary term, but we'll also commit to new actions for the next one. So we will hold a Citizen's Forum in the second half of this parliament, inviting many of those who took part in the previous conversations to help us identify new areas of focus. The Citizen's Forum will help us set out New Fairness Actions for the Next Session of Parliament.

"This Action Plan is the start of a long-term commitment to help shape a fairer Scotland."

Can You Help?

Creating a fairer Scotland will require all of us - Government, communities of all kinds; people with experience of poverty; business and industry; the public and the third sector - to work together to achieve change. Government cannot deliver change on its own, nor would we want to. We will continue to work with anyone and everyone to make these actions a reality.

That's why the Action Plan features commitments from a range of organisations from across the UK who want to help us build a fairer Scotland. Thanks to the following organisations who have made a pledge:

Carnegie UK Trust
Dundee Fairness Partnership
Inclusion Scotland
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
LLoyds TSB Foundation Scotland
NHS Health Scotland
The Poverty Truth Commission
The Prince's Trust Scotland
Timewise & Family Friendly Working Scotland
Virgin Money
Working Families
Young Scot

We'd like to hear what you can do too. What are you doing to help make Scotland a fairer place? Please tell us, using the contact details at the back of this plan.


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