
A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: delivery plan

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People is our delivery plan to 2021 for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Measuring progress

Next steps

We will host a roundtable discussion early in 2017 with disabled people and the organisations that represent them, so that together, we identify our first priorities for action and our timescales. This reflects the strong collaboration we have had to date, and our intention to continue to work with disabled people to identify solutions and make real, measurable progress.

Reporting on progress

We will report on progress through:

a) the UN Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the periodic examination of the UK in 2017;

b) the Fairer Scotland progress report to be published in 2019; and

c) the Mainstreaming Equality Report also due for publication in 2019.

We will ensure that there is opportunity for disabled people to hold us to account on progress with this Plan by:

  • Establishing disabled people's panels covering each of the ambitions in early 2017. These will provide expert advice from disabled people and the organisations that represent them to inform implementation of key actions, and to agree how progress will be measured.
  • A survey of disabled people in mid-2018 to gather evidence of the impact of our actions.
  • Annual Disability Summits, to look at progress.
  • A Major Disability Summit to be held in 2020 which will look ahead to the next parliamentary session.
  • The panels, survey and results of the Disability Summit will feed into a progress report to be laid before Parliament in early 2021 to determine where we need to focus our efforts in the 2021-2026 parliamentary session.

We will work closely with disabled people and the organisations that represent them to develop the detail of our approach to measuring progress, including the design and delivery of the survey, the panels and the summit.


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