
A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: delivery plan

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People is our delivery plan to 2021 for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Five ambitions

This Plan is built around five key ambitions and a set of ninety-three
actions to be undertaken in this Parliamentary session.

Our five ambitions

1 Support services that promote independent living, meet needs and work
together to enable a life of choices, opportunities and participation.

Health and social care support services are designed to meet - and do meet - the individual needs and outcomes of disabled people.

2 Decent incomes and fairer working lives.
Making sure disabled people can enjoy full participation with an adequate income
to participate in learning, in education, voluntary work or paid employment and retirement.

3 Places that are accessible to everyone.
Housing and transport and the wider environment are fully accessible to enable disabled people to participate as full and equal citizens.

4 Protected rights.
The rights of disabled people are fully protected and they receive fair treatment
from justice systems at all times.

5 Active participation.
Disabled people can participate as active citizens in all aspects of daily and
public life in Scotland.


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