
A Fairer Scotland for disabled people: working for change

This pamphlet sets out some of the actions Scottish Government is taking to reduce the Disability Employment Gap.

Reaching Out – Engagement Events

As part of our on-going engagement with disabled people, their organisations, employers and the third sector, we held engagement events throughout Scotland where individuals were invited to share their expertise on how to reduce the Disability Employment Gap. Designed around two questions:

  • How do we ensure that disabled individuals are able to access work?
  • How do we ensure that individuals are able to stay in work, if they acquire a disability or long term health condition?

The poster below gives a snapshot of the subjects that were discussed during some of the engagement events. A fuller version of this poster is available online, and was displayed during the Congress on Disability, Employment and the Workplace.

a snapshot of the subjects that were discussed during some of the engagement events

Our progress since the publication of A Fairer Scotland for Disabled people in December 2016.

Our progress since the publication of A Fairer Scotland for Disabled people in December 2016.


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