Fairer Scotland Duty – Assessment Not Required Declaration. Reopening Of Independent Living Fund (ILF)

Declaration form setting out the reasons why a Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment is not required for the reopening of the Independent Living Fund (ILF).

Fairer Scotland Duty

Assessment not required declaration

Policy title

Reopening of the Independent Living Fund


Social Care and National Care Service Development


Regulation, Improvement and Integration Support


ILF Sponsorship Team

Policy lead responsible for taking the decision

Steven Hanlon

Rationale for decision

Within the Programme for Government 2023-2024, the First Minister committed an investment of £9 million to reopen the Independent Living Fund to enable up to 1,000 disabled people in Scotland with high support needs, and who face the greatest barriers to independent living, to access the support they need to lead independent lives.

This funding will enable these individuals to achieve independent living outcomes, by being better supported in their homes and within their local communities.

We do not consider this policy to be a strategic, high-level decision. Rather, it is an expansion of an existing service for a small group.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out a Fairer Scotland assessment has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director (or equivalent)

Date authorisation given

Iain MacAllister, Deputy Director: Regulation, Improvement and Integration Support Division



Email: steven.hanlon@gov.scot

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