Fairer Scotland Duty: guidance for public bodies

Statutory guidance for public sector bodies subject to the Fairer Scotland Duty to help them actively consider how they can reduce inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions.


An errata was published on 18/02/2025  as a result changes have been made on the following PDF, Page 15, section headed “Defining Strategic Decisions” where text was changed from “Below, we list a range of areas that are considered to be strategic decisions...” to “Below, we list a range of areas that may be considered to be strategic decisions...”

Page 30, section headed “Stage 1 – Planning” where text was changed from “If the decision is clearly not strategic and there is no perceived benefit…” to “If the decision is clearly not strategic or there is no perceived benefit…”

Page 68, Annex B – Sample Assessment Not Required Declaration Template, where the entry relating to the “Rationale for decision”, has been changed from “…does not constitute a strategic decision and/or has no relevance re socio-economic inequalities” to “…does not constitute a strategic decision or has no relevance re socio-economic inequalities”. The supporting Annex B – Sample Assessment Not Required Declaration Template has also been updated to reflect this change.

An erratum was published on 11/04/2023 as a result of a change on PDF page 7. Where text was changed from “The Keeper of the Records of Scotland” to “National Records of Scotland”.

The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect these changes.


Email: sjsu@gov.scot

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