
Fairer Scotland Duty: guidance for public bodies

Statutory guidance for public sector bodies subject to the Fairer Scotland Duty to help them actively consider how they can reduce inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions.

Annex C: Training and resources

There are a range of resources available to assist with raising awareness and knowledge of the Fairer Scotland Duty.[53]

These include:

  • Recorded training sessions and webinars which can be found on the Fairer Scotland Duty Knowledge Hub[54] (KHub)
  • Powerpoint slides[55] on the KHub to help you to deliver your own training on the Fairer Scotland Duty.
  • Videos are also available on the Improvement Service You Tube Channel[56] in the Fairer Scotland Duty playlist, including:
    • How does the Fairer Scotland Duty link with other legislation?
    • Integrated Impact Assessment, Child Poverty and Fairer Scotland Duty
    • Fairer Scotland Duty, Local Child Poverty Action Reports and Community Planning
    • Fairer Scotland Duty Refresher Training
  • Notes and recordings[57] of the Fairer Scotland Duty Leads Network on the KHub.

The KHub has a wide range of information and tools in its library, including examples of impact assessment, briefing notes and sources of evidence.



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