National carers strategy: fairer Scotland duty assessment
This is evidence of the Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment that was carried out prior to the publication of the National Carers Strategy.
Stage 5 – Publication
The National Carers Strategy
Summary of aims and expected outcomes of strategy, proposal, programme or policy
The implementation of the Strategy, and the realisation of its strategic outcomes, will improve the health, financial and social care support for carers, including young carers. It will also improve the way in which carers are recognised and listened to in decisions about support. This will directly improve outcomes for carers as it will help ensure they are aware of relevant services and how to access all the support and benefits to which they are entitled.
Summary of evidence
All evidence points to the need to improve support to carers and ensure services are joined up so they can collaborate and better support carers. This is especially the case for carers on low incomes or unemployed; carers living in deprived areas; carers with no/low wealth or in debt; carers in material deprivation and carers from different social classes because they are likely to be disproportionately impacted by the negative effects of caring. This is partially due to those carers providing the most intensive caring tending to live in more deprived areas and many carers reporting that they are struggling financially. These financial challenges are likely to have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and by the current cost of living crisis.
Therefore, the evidence suggest that the Strategy will improve equalities of outcome by helping to alleviate socioeconomic pressures related to caring roles, including existing socioeconomic risks exacerbated by caring. The initiatives should also provide targeted support to those most in need and mitigate unfair starts to create more opportunities and help carers to enjoy a more balanced life.
As the Strategy intends to improve outcomes for all carers - with a focus on improving health, financial and social care support - there are no negative impacts anticipated.
Summary of assessment findings
Generally, as the purpose of the Strategy is to improve outcomes for carers, it should reduce inequalities of outcomes therefore improvements discussed and implemented were minimal.
With that being said, conducting the Fairer Scotland Duty assessment has allowed us to recognise that the stakeholder groups would benefit from greater participation and involvement from those with lived experience of poverty and disadvantage. Therefore, we will seek to do this. These same groups are also used to monitor the impact of the Strategy so this will also allow us to focus on the direct impact for those carers in this specific group.
Sign off
Simon Cuthbert-Kerr
Deputy Director, Improving Social Care Support Standards and Quality Division
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