
Adult learning strategy: fairer Scotland duty summary

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment for the adult learning strategy.


1. The Impact of COVID-19 on Fair Access to Higher Education (

2. Report on Widening Access 2019-20 (

3. The use of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation as an indicator to evaluate the impact of policy on widening access to higher education

4. The use of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation as an indicator to evaluate the impact of policy on widening access to higher education

5. Report on Widening Access 2019-20 (

6. Annual Participation Measure 2021 | Skills Development Scotland

7. Closing the attainment gap in Scottish education

8. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions –2020/21

9. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions –2020/21

10. National Indicator Performance | National Performance Framework

11. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

12. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

13. The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Poverty Reduction

14. The Relationship between Adult Learning and Wellbeing: Evidence from the 1958 National Child Development Study

15. Adult Education: Important for Health and Well-Being

16. Poverty in Scotland

17. Scotland's Wellbeing: The Impact of COVID-19

18. COVID-19 Survey

19. The Impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing in Scotland: work and finances, neighbourhood support, personal wellbeing, and behaviour changes (

20. Scottish household survey 2018: annual report - (

21. Scottish Health Survey 2019

22. The Relationship between Adult Learning and Wellbeing: Evidence from the 1958 National Child Development Study

23. Impacts of lifelong learning upon emotional resilience, psychological and mental health

24. The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Poverty Reduction

25. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

26. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

27. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

28. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

29. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

30. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

31. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

32. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

33. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

34. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

35. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

36. Digital Participation and Social Justice in Scotland

37. scotlands-people-annual-report-2019.pdf

38. NPF_Impact_of_COVID-19_December_2020.pdf (

39. Review of Family Learning

40. Review of Family Learning

41. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups

42. Barriers to learning for disadvantaged groups



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