
Fairer Scotland duty summary: health and social care statutory guidance refresh

Fairer Scotland duty summary on the refresh of statutory guidance focused on health and social care integration authority strategic plans and annual performance reports.

Refresh of the Scottish Government’s strategic commissioning plan and annual performance report statutory guidance : Fairer Scotland Duty: Summary

Title of Policy, Strategy, Programme, etc: Refresh of the Scottish Government's strategic commissioning plan and annual performance report statutory guidance

Summary of aims and expected outcomes of strategy, proposal, programme or policy

The aim of the proposed programme of work is to refresh the Scottish Government's Strategic Commissioning Plan: Statutory Guidance and Performance Reporting: Statutory Guidance in order to support integration authorities plan, commission and monitor performance more effectively.

Summary of evidence

The summary of evidence set out in the full Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment indicates that economic inequality is linked to health inequality.

Inequality is also recognised as a wicked problem, with many interconnected, underlying causes. Any approach in tackling inequality therefore requires a holistic, wide-ranging response.

A central aim of the proposed programme of work is to contribute to reducing health inequality across Scotland by supporting integration authorities to plan services effectively and, in turn, break down the barriers that people may face in accessing services and ensure they can access appropriate support.

Summary of assessment findings

The proposed programme of work involves convening a Short Life Working Group to input into the formation of revised statutory guidance.

Membership of the Short Life Working Group must be diverse and include lived experience in order to account for and reduce inequalities. Similarly, there should be consideration on maximising a diverse range of input during the public consultation.

Sign off

Name: Iain MacAllister
Job title: Deputy Director, Regulation, Improvement and Integration Support
Date: 23 June 2023



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