
A Fairer Scotland for Older People: framework for action

This framework has been developed to challenge the inequalities older people face as they age and to celebrate older people in Scotland.

Visual executive summary


Visual executive summary Infographic 1

Infographic Text:

Older people have told us they want action to ensure they have access to:

  • opportunities to remain actively engaged with, and involved in, their communities
  • measures to improve community safety and reduce their vulnerability to scam callers and other kinds of elder abuse
  • concessionary travel and transport
  • activity that brings different generations together
  • adequate housing that continues to meet their needs as they age. 

Accessing Services
Older people want action to ensure they have access to:

  • the public services they need 
  • adequate numbers of care sector workers in the wake of Brexit
  • the health and social care services they require, including mental health
  • opportunities to influence how health and social care integration is organised and delivered.

Financial Security
Older people want action to ensure they have access to:

  • flexible employment opportunities 
  • measures and initiatives that promote their financial security (including pensions, benefits, meeting funeral costs and avoiding fuel poverty)
  • support for planning for life changes
  • measures to address the issues raised by the rising retirement age and the implications it has for older people’s caring responsibilities and volunteering opportunities.


Visual executive summary Infographic 2

Inforgraphic Text:

Enabling better access to a range of services for older people as and when they need it

Recognising the positive contribution older people make to their communities and bringing generations together
Accessing Services

Ensuring people are financially secure and supported as they age
Financial Security

Older People
A diverse, experienced and highly valued part of Scottish society and culture

Next Steps
Continuing to tackle the barriers that older people face by extending the discussion about ageing across sectors.



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