
A fairer Scotland for all: race equality action plan and highlight report 2017-2021

The race equality action plan sets out the key actions for the Scottish Government to drive positive change for minority ethnic communities.

Section 7: Participation & Representation

We recognise that increased engagement of minority ethnic groups across heritage, culture, sports and media has many benefits in terms of social cohesion, reduced levels of isolation and the realisations of creative potential, undiscovered talent and fostering good relationships at a community level.

We know that minority ethnic individuals are less likely to be politically active than white people and are under-represented in elected office and in public life, particularly at senior levels.

The Scottish Government developed the Race Equality Framework based on the priorities, needs and experiences of Scotland's minority ethnic communities in recognition of the value in increasing social and community participation. The Programme for Government 2017 sets out our ambitions for strengthening the influence of communities on decision making processes and the actions set out in this Action Plan provide the platform for taking these forward for minority ethnic communities and individuals.

In 2015 a higher proportion of people from minority ethnic backgrounds (61%) expressed satisfaction with local schools, local health care and public transport (as a composite measure) compared to people from a 'White' ethnic group (57%).

Source: Scottish Household Survey 2015.

In 2015, concern about the cultural consequences of Scotland becoming a more diverse society declined. The proportion who thought that Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more black and Asian people came to live in Scotland fell by 11% (45% to 34%) from 2010, by 9% in the case of Muslims (50% to 41%), and by 8% in respect of people from Eastern Europe (46% to 38%).

Source: SSA 2015.


Key Actions

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

During the first half of 2018 we will agree and publish a public appointments action plan detailing specific actions on research and positive action steps, in partnership with the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland, race equality and other relevant intermediary organisations.

We will monitor the impact of the Equal Representation in Politics self-assessment tool with the Equal Representation Coalition over 2018-2020, to inform a new set of actions in the next Action Planning period to increase representation in elected office for minority ethnic communities and other under-represented groups.

We will work with a group of civic society representatives, including race equality partner organisations, to engage with minority ethnic communities in the development of the Participation Framework towards completion in summer 2018.

We will work in partnership with Young Scot to develop a Strategic Participation Panel of minority ethnic young people, building on the Fairer Future project, to develop skills and understanding for young people to participate in local and national decision making processes.

We will work in partnership with key delivery partners to develop and co-ordinate a Minority Ethnic Women's network to develop skills and understanding for women to participate in local and national decision making processes.

We will work with stakeholders and minority ethnic communities in developing awareness, learning and capacity building in relation to participation requests that can be made under the Community Empowerment Act.

We will develop an outcomes focussed approach to volunteering in Scotland, building relevant minority ethnic related research into the emerging evidence base and including key race equality partners in the evidence and analysis group that will be tasked with looking at this work.

We will mark the International Decade for People of African Descent over 2018-2019 with an innovative programme of events.

We will work with key delivery partners to develop a robust evaluation framework and logic model to measure the impacts of partners community event activity supported by the Multi-cultural Celebration of the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology.

We will work with key delivery partners to identify opportunities to boost the engagement of minority ethnic, faith and cultural communities in the 2018 Year of Young People; the Winter Festivals and the future Themed Years from 2020.

We will work with a range of partners - including organisations representing the minority ethnic, faith and cultural communities- on the development of an Equality Impact Assessment ( EQIA)for the 2018 European Championships, 2019 Solheim Cup and Euro 2020.

We will ensure sportscotland monitors and evaluates the impact of the £2m investment for Scottish governing bodies of sport ( SGBs) on minority ethnic participation in sport and physical activity, and share the learning across SGBs so it can be used to inform their equality action plans and programme delivery, ensuring they continue to engage minority ethnic communities in sport and physical activity. with the aim of increasing minority ethnic participation in physical activity and sport.


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