Fairer Workplaces Fund: form and guidance

Offers grant funding to organisations to work mainly with third and private sector employers. Applications must be received by by 23:59 on 1 September 2024.

Why we have this fund

The fund aims to bring benefits to current workplace practices and contribute to the Scottish Government’s wider ambition of creating a Fair Work Nation. Projects should assist in fulfilling actions 3.1 and 3.6 of the refreshed Fair Work Action Plan. Projects should contribute to reducing the Gender Pay Gap, at least halving the Disability Employment Gap, addressing employment barriers for racialised minorities and over 50s workers, and reducing Scotland’s level of economic inactivity. All of which contributes to the First Minister's key priorities of reducing child poverty and growing the economy.

The fund is firmly rooted in Fair Work principles, ensuring projects help develop progressive workplaces to the benefit of employers, workers, the economy as a whole, and wider wellbeing economy aims.

The fund follows previous funding up to 31 March 2024, for:

  • Workplace Equality Fund (which developed workplace centred initiatives to support the recruitment, retention and progression of priority groups)
  • APT Public Social Partnership (funded project focusing on employer support)
  • Flexibility Works (to promote the benefits of flexible working in all its forms to employers across Scotland).

Fair Work First obligations

The Grantee must pay the real Living Wage to all staff aged 16 and over working in Scotland, including apprentices. They must also ensure that any UK-based workers engaged in grant-funded activity are paid at least the real Living Wage - including sub-contractors and agency staff, where applicable. Additionally, the Grantee must provide effective workers' voice channels for all workers, including agency workers. Upon request, the Grantee must also provide necessary information to Scottish Ministers to demonstrate compliance with these obligations.


Email: FairWorkCommissioning@gov.scot

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