Family Nurse Partnership: 10 year analysis

To mark the first ten years of the Family Nurse Partnership in Scotland, we have undertaken a review of data from the programme over this time.


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5. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma - Scottish Government Website

6. Health Inequalities and the Social Determinants of Health - Royal College of Nursing Policy Briefing #01/12 January 2012

7. The Science of Early Childhood Development - Harvard

8. Trebeck,K, Baker A, Being Bold: Building Budgets for Children's Wellbeing

9. Family Nurse Partnership | EIF Guidebook

10. Family Nurse Partnership in Scotland: revaluation report

11. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

12. Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

13. Child poverty - Poverty and social justice

14. The-Promise - Independent Care Review In Scotland

15. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma

16. Convention on the Rights of the Child

17. Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership programme in NHS Lothian, Scotland: Summary of key learning and implications

18. Nurse-Family Partnership – Helping First-Time Parents Succeed

19. FNP Scotland Education Strategy

20. Nursing 2030 Vision - The Chief Nursing Officer's long term strategy to shape the future of the nursing workforce.

21. Scotland's Wellbeing: The Impact of COVID-19 | National Performance Framework

22. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Family Nurse Partnership insights: evaluation report

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24. The Experiences of Mothers Aged Under 20: Analysis of Data From the Growing up in Scotland Study

25. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 3: 2021 Edition

26. Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy - (

27. Social Exclusion Unit (1999) Teenage Pregnancy, presented to the Parliament by the Prime Minister by command of her Majesty. Teenage Pregnancy Report

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30. Teenage pregnancies - Year of conception, ending 31 December 2019 - Teenage pregnancies - Publications - Public Health Scotland

31. Births in Scotland - Data from Public Health Scotland

32. Ibid

33. Teenage Pregnancies - Data From Public Health Scotland

34. The Experiences of Mothers Aged Under 20: Analysis of Data From the Growing up in Scotland Study

35. Births in Scottish hospitals - Year ending 31 March 2021 - Publications - Public Health Scotland

36. Scotland's Census Data

37. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 3: 2021 Edition

38. Ibid

39. Family Nurse Partnership in Scotland: revaluation report

40. Mental Health statistics: FOI release

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47. UK Perinatal Surveillance Report 2019 - Data on Perinatal Outcomes in the UK

48. Mental Health Foundation (2013) Young mums together: promoting young mothers' wellbeing.

49. Family Nurse Partnership | EIF Guidebook

50. Ibid

51. Primary Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants

52. Cnattingius S. The epidemiology of smoking during pregnancy: Smoking prevalence, maternal characteristics, and pregnancy outcomes. 2004; 6(Suppl 2):S125–S140.

53. Scotland: women smoking during pregnancy 2000-2021 | Statista

54. European Perinatal Health Report 2015

55. Births in Scotland - Statistics Publication Public Health Scotland

56. World Health Organization WHO recommendations for the prevention and management of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure in pregnancy.

57. Riaz M, Lewis S, Naughton F, Ussher M. Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction. 2018;113(4)

58. Evaluating the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in England: The Building Blocks Randomised Controlled Trial (

59. Forray A, Merry B, Lin H, et al. : Perinatal substance use: a prospective evaluation of abstinence and relapse. Drug Alcohol Dependency. 2015;150:147–155.

60. Research - Substance use during pregnancy

61. Ibid

62. Bauld L, Graham H, Sinclair L, et al. Barriers to and facilitators of smoking cessation in pregnancy and following childbirth: Literature review and qualitative study. Health Technol Assess. 2017;21(36):v–xix. 1–158. doi: 10.3310/hta21360

63. Barriers to and facilitators of smoking cessation in pregnancy and following childbirth: literature review and qualitative study

64. Taylor DJ. Alcohol consumption and outcomes of pregnancy. Statement No. 5, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, 2006. Alcohol in Pregnancy

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67. Alcohol consumption: advice on low risk drinking - GOV.UK (

68. Scottish maternal and infant nutrition survey 2017

69. Tackling Inequalities in the Early Years - Growing Up in Scotland

70. Health harm - Data from ScotPHO

71. Ibid

72. Thiel de Bocanegra H, Chang R, Howell M, Darney P. Inter-pregnancy intervals: impact of postpartum contraceptive effectiveness and coverage. American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 2014 Apr; 210(4):311.e1–8.

73. Families and Intimate and Sexual Relationships - CONUNDRUM - University of Glasgow

74. Health Behaviours Data ScotPHO

75. Cameron, S., Glasier, A., Chen, Z., Johnstone, A., Dunlop, C. and Heller, R. (2012), Effect of contraception provided at termination of pregnancy and incidence of subsequent termination of pregnancy. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 119: 1074-1080.

76. Early subsequent pregnancy among economically disadvantaged teenage mothers

77. Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy - Scottish Government

78. Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: strategy update

79. The Experiences of Mothers Aged Under 20: Analysis of Data From the Growing up in Scotland Study

80. Ibid

81. Ibid

82. InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development - Harvard What is early intervention? - Early Intervention Foundation

83. The Experiences of Mothers Aged Under 20: Analysis of Data From the Growing up in Scotland Study

84. Ibid

85. Pulver LS, Guest-Warnick G, Stoddard GJ, Byington CL, Young PC. Weight for gestational age affects the mortality of late preterm infants. Pediatrics 2009; 123: e1072-7.

86. Global health estimates 2015: deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 2000–2015. Geneva: WHO; 2016.

87. Kolasa KM, Weismiller DG. Nutrition during pregnancy. American Family Physician. 1997 July;56(1):205-12, 216-8. PMID: 9225676.

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89. Dunkel Schetter C, Tanner L. Anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy: implications for mothers, children, research, and practice. .

90. Births in Scottish hospitals - Year ending 31 March 2021 - Public Health Scotland

91. Ibid

92. Evaluating the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in England: The Building Blocks Randomised Controlled Trial (

93. Infant feeding statistics - Financial year 2020 to 2021 - Public Health Scotland

94. Ibid

95. Lawton et al (2012) Employing an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict breastfeeding intention, initiation, and maintenance in White British and South-Asian mothers living in Bradford. British Journal of Health Psychology 2012; 17: 854-71.

96. DiGirolamo et al (2005) Intention or experience? Predictors of continued breastfeeding. Health Education Behaviours 2005; 32: 208-26. Cited in Rollins et al (2016)

97. Kervin et al (2010) Types and timing of breastfeeding support and its impact on mothers' behaviours. Journal of Paediatric Child Health 2010; 46: 85-91. Cited in Rollins et al (2016)

98. Ibid

99. Bener A et al. Does prolonged breastfeeding reduce the risk for childhood leukemia and lymphomas? Minerva Pediatric 2008;60(2):155-161.

100. Ibid

101. Ibid

102. Barnes, J et al (2009) Nurse-Family Partnership Programme: Implementation in England – Second Year in 10 Pilot Sites: the infancy period. London DCSF. FNP England Implementation Report

103. Effects of nurse home visitation on cigarette smoking, pregnancy outcomes and breastfeeding: a randomized controlled trial

104. Early child development - Scotland 2019/20 - Public Health Scotland

105. Child Health Survelliance Programme -Pre-School -Clinical-Guidelines

106. About ASQ - Ages and Stages

107. Universal Health Visiting Pathway in Scotland: pre-birth to pre-school

108. COVID-19 wider impacts (

109. Childhood immunisation statistics Scotland - Quarter and year ending 31 December 2021 - Public Health Scotland

110. Statistics about neonatal care

111. Ibid

112. Better language development and fewer hospital admissions for children of older mothers

113. Ibid

114. Growing up in Scotland: health inequalities in the early years

115. Routine immunisation programme for children and young people



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