
Farm Advisory Service: enhanced monitoring and evaluation

This report was commissioned by the Scottish Government for Winning Moves to conduct a piece of research to explore the quality, focus and effectiveness of the Farm Advisory Service (FAS).

Appendix 2: Sample profile

n=116 for all tables in Appendix 2.

Proportion of FAS database Achieved sample
ILMP only 7% 7%
ILMP and specialist advice only 18% 18%
Carbon audit only 40% 43%
Mentoring (including with other support) 6% 7%
ILMP, carbon audit and specialist support 25% 23%
ILMP and carbon audit only 4% 2%
Farm size Proportion of FAS database Achieved sample
Under 20 hectares 8% 9%
20-50 9% 9%
50-100 15% 13%
100-200 25% 27%
More than 200 hectares 43% 42%
Farm sector Proportion of FAS database Achieved sample
Mixed 20% 16%
Cattle and sheep (less favoured area) 48% 47%
Cattle and sheep (lowland) 7% 5%
Cereals 4% 8%
Dairy 9% 11%
General cropping 6% 8%
General cropping forage 1% 0%
Horticulture 3% 4%
Pigs 1% 0%
Poultry 1% 1%
Gender Proportion of FAS database Achieved sample - database Respondent identified
Male 78% 85% 83%
Female 20% 14% 17%
Not known 2% 1%
Business type Achieved sample
An estate 6%
A farm 82%
A croft 3%
A small holding[7] 9%
Age Achieved sample
16-30 6%
31-40 17%
41-50 23%
51-60 32%
Over 60 16%
Prefer not to say 5%



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