
Farm Business Survey 2018-2019: profitability of Scottish farming

An analysis of Scottish Farm Business Survey 2018 to 2019 data, focussing on profit from farming in the supported sectors of agriculture, profit from alternative sources, support payments, and long term profitability of Scottish farm businesses.

Annex A: Additional figures

A1 – Proportion of profitable farms by tenure, 2018-19
A column chart showing the proportion of farms which were profitable by tenure, with and without support. Without support, all tenures have around 30% of farms profitable; with support, all tenures have a proportion of around 70% of farms profitable.
A2 – Profitability deciles without support, by tenure, 2018-19
A bar chart showing the proportion of farms in each tenure and decile. Owner-occupied and tenanted farms show broadly similar proportions across all deciles. Mixed tenure farms show slightly more polarisation, with higher proportions of farms in both the lowest and highest performing deciles.



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