
Farm Business Survey 2021-22: Farm level emissions and nitrogen usage

Farm level emissions and nitrogen usage data from the Scottish Farm Business Survey. An Experimental Statistics publication for Scotland.


Absolute gross GHG emissions (tonnes CO2 equivalent per hectare): measures the total gross GHG emissions from a unit area of agriculture land (hectare).

Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e): provides an estimate of total greenhouse gas emission taking into account the different effects that different gases have on climate change, known as their global warming potential (GWP).

Emissions intensity (kg CO2 equivalent per kg of output): measures the carbon footprint of a unit of product up to the farm gate. It includes all types of farm product.

Farm type: farms are classified based on the how much of their standard output is from the crop and livestock enterprises on each farm.

Global warming potential (GWP): estimates the relative climate change impact of different greenhouse gases compared to carbon dioxide.

Less Favoured Area (LFA): land where farming is more difficult due to natural constraints, such as hills and soil quality.

Nitrogen balance (kg N surplus per hectare): the difference between total nitrogen input and output.

Nitrogen use efficiency (% N output / N input): the ratio of nitrogen outputs to inputs.

Standard output: estimated worth of crops and livestock.


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