Centralized hub for verification of complex fire engineered solutions in Scotland: feasibility study

Independent opinion on the need, appropriateness, potential structure and potential operations of a central hub for assisting in the verification of complex fire engineered designs.

10 Bibliography

Prior Workshops and Reports – Fire Safety Engineering in Scotland

BSD (2015). Verifying Fire Engineered Solutions as part of a Building Regulatory System, BSD – IRCC Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2015.  

Meacham, B.J. (2016). Research to Support the Improvement of the Design Verification of Fire Engineered Solutions as Part of the Scottish Building Regulatory System, Report prepared for the Scottish Government, Building Standards Division, June 2016 (download available at http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Built-Environment/Building/Building-standards/publications/pubresearch/researchfire, last accessed 11 March 2018). 

Meacham, B.J. (2017). Competency Criteria for Local Authority Verifiers when Checking Fire Engineered Solutions for Compliance with Building Standards, Report prepared for the Scottish Government, Building Standards Division, March 2017 (download available at http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Built-Environment/Building/Building-standards/publications/pubresearch/researchfire, last accessed 11 March 2018).

Scottish Regulations and Guidance

Technical Handbook 2017: Non-Domestic, Scottish Government, Building Standards Division, 31 May 2016 (downloaded from /publications/building-standards-technical-handbook-2017-non-domestic/ on 24 February 2018).

Technical Handbook 2017: Domestic, Scottish Government, Building Standards Division, 28 June 2017 (downloaded from /publications/building-standards-technical-handbook-2017-domestic/ on 24 February 2018).

Fire Verification Methods

ABCB (2018). NCC 2019 – Fire Safety Verification Method, draft for public consultation, ABCB, Canberra, ACT, Australia (available for download at http://www.abcb.gov.au/Resources/Publications/NCC-2019-Public-Comment-Draft/Fire-Safety-Verification-Method-proposed-for-NCC-2019, last accessed 11 March 2018).

ABCB (2018a). NCC 2019 – Fire Safety Verification Method, Calibration Study Summary, ABCB, Canberra, ACT, Australia (available for download at http://www.abcb.gov.au/Resources/Publications/NCC-2019-Public-Comment-Draft/Fire-safety-Verification-Method-calibration-study-summary.

MBIE (2017). C/VM2 Verification Method: Framework for Fire Safety Design, MBIE, Wellington, NZ (available for download at https://www.building.govt.nz/building-code-compliance/c-protection-from-fire/c-clauses-c1-c6/#jumpto-acceptable-solutions-and-verification-methods, last accessed on 11 March 2018). 


Email: sarah.waugh@gov.scot

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