Centralized hub for verification of complex fire engineered solutions in Scotland: feasibility study
Independent opinion on the need, appropriateness, potential structure and potential operations of a central hub for assisting in the verification of complex fire engineered designs.
15 Annex F: Verifier Qualifications and Competence Framework (Fire)
15.1 E.1 Introduction
15.1.1 The following is excerpted with minor modification from Meacham (2017) given its relevancy to qualifications and competencies for design and verification.
15.2 E.2 Verifier Qualifications
15.2.1 It is suggested that the level of qualification and expertise required to attain a CEng in fire engineering should not be required of all verifiers, as this is outside of the scope of their primary responsibilities. Rather, it is suggested that the qualifications be connected to the type and level of fire engineering analyses being verified.
15.2.2 If a design is developed in compliance with all aspects of Section 2: Fire of the Technical Handbooks (Level 1 Analysis), no fire engineering qualifications beyond what is currently expected of verifiers is needed.
15.2.3 If a design involves ‘minor’ deviations from Section 2: Fire of the Technical Handbooks, or in the case that Scotland moves to develop a ‘prescribed performance’ approach for verification of fire engineered designs, much like the C/VM2 framework in New Zealand, then it is suggested that a IEng, MIFireE qualification and level of expertise is likely appropriate (see Section 4), depending on how the verification method is structured. If like New Zealand’s C/VM2, for example, which specifies values to be used for all input parameters, including those to be used in modelling, the level of fire engineering expertise can be less. This would be considered a Level 2 Analysis.
15.2.4 Finally, owing to the complexity and potential risk associated with Level 3 fire engineered designs, it should be required that the qualifications and expertise required for anyone verifying a Level 3 fire engineered design – whether employed as a local authority verifier or as an independent third party reviewer working on behalf of the verifier – should meet the requirements of CEng, MIFireE. This is fundamental, since any engineer solution can make use of any engineering tool or method, and the verifier needs to be in a position to competently verify appropriate application of the tools and methods in the development of the engineered solution. The level of qualifications is summarized in table E.1 below.
Table F.1. Verifier Qualifications based on Fire Engineering Design Level
Verifier / 3rd Party IFE EC Qualification |
Level 1 Technical Handbook Compliance |
Level 2 ‘Minor’ Deviation, ‘Limited’ Fire Engineered Design, C/VM2 Verification |
Level 3 ‘Complex’ / BS7974 / IFEG Fire Engineered Design |
None |
X | ||
IEng |
X | ||
CEng |
X |
15.3 E.3 Complexity Matrix
15.3.1 Should a tiered system of qualifications be adopted, such as suggested above, a more substantial set of conditions which bound / describe ‘minor’ deviation and ‘complex’ or fire engineered design are needed, beyond what currently exist in the Simplified Approach to Alternative Fire Safety Strategies.
15.3.2 It is suggested that the quantification of ‘minor’ deviations and the qualification and competency for designers and verifiers will ultimately need to be decided by Scottish government in consultation with practitioners. The following are suggested starting points only. It is expected that considerable consultation will be needed to develop agreed criteria should this approach be adopted.
Table F.2 Factors Triggering Level of Qualification for Design and Verification
Fire Engineering Scope |
Level 2 Deviations or Alternatives |
Level 3 Analyses |
General Applicability[5] |
Fuel / Fire Characteristics Strategies and/or Analyses |
Occupant Notification Strategies and/or Analyses |
Egress Strategies and/or Analyses |
Compartmentation / Structural Fire Resilience Strategies and/or Analyses |
Smoke Control Strategies and/or Analyses |
Suppression Strategies and/or Analyses |
Fire Brigade Intervention |
15.4 E.4 Expert Peer Review Panel
15.4.1 Another approach which may be helpful is the establishment of some type of ‘central’ peer-review panel or committee. The intent would be to have a panel which reflects the sector – not just fire engineers, but verifiers, the regulator, fire service, and potentially industry and public representation. This is needed because a specific design, by definition, is addressing issues or buildings deemed outside of the Section 2: Fire of the Technical Handbooks, or of a C/VM2 type verification method, and therefore must consider the broader scope of the Building Standards and compliance with it. By including the verifier, regulator (BSD) and fire service (SFRS), it should eliminate the need for additional review.
15.4.2 How such a panel is set up, who sits on the panel, what their qualifications are, what their scope is, when and how often they are used, how one controls conflict of interest, how they get compensated, and related issues need to be addressed. Considerations might include: Whether the panellists are paid, and if so, how much and by whom (flow of funds). Establishment of an appropriate number of panel participants (large enough to be representative: small enough to function efficiently). Probably a target of 3-5 would be reasonable. There could be a larger pool, from which panellists are drawn, as outlined below. Decision on the range of interests which should be represented (e.g., all sectors of the fire industry, only engineers, …). This could depend on the nature of the project. Decision on how members are selected. It is suggested that ‘the owner’ might identify minimum qualifications (see above), put out a call for members to serve, and establish a pool of candidates from which a panel can be formed as needed (the pool might have 20-30 people, but specific panels only 3-5 people). Formation of a panel could be in different ways: establish a panel, and have it sit for a period of time, or form a panel only when needed for a specific interpretation, or take a hybrid approach. The hybrid approach may be most flexible, say sitting a core panel of 3 persons to serve a period (year?), and draw from the pool if specific expertise / perspective, beyond the core group, is needed on a specific interpretation question. Ultimately, the format would have to fit with time and resource constraints. Issues of confidentiality and disclosure of proprietary information would need to be addressed. Having some international expertise / experience could be helpful. Establishment of term(s) of service. This would lay out period of time someone is in the pool (maybe 3 years?), how long they can serve on a panel (maybe 1 year?), how many times they can be reappointed to the pool or a panel, reasons / process for dismissal, and so forth.
15.4.3 While the peer-review panel / committee approach could be more involved to establish and to manage, as compared with keeping the Level 3 design verification process decentralized, the panel approach could carry more weight with verifiers and be viewed as being fairer and more balanced (i.e., not a single person’s view).
Email: sarah.waugh@gov.scot
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