
Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group minutes: 15 August 2023

Minutes of the Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group meeting held on 15 August 2023.

Attendees and apologies

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government (chair)

David Tydeman – CEO FMPG




[REDACTED] - Transport Scotland

Robbie Drummond – CalMac


Items and actions

1. Introduction

Outline of meeting format and objectives – to be short, focussed on high level “hot topic” issues for 801 delivery, and with a round table view as to the any key challenges in relation to build, handover & operationalisation.

ToR input from CMAL and Calmac, FMPG will revert in advance of next meeting.

Action: FMPG to comment on ToR

2. Hot topics

FMPG – 1261 and application for certification on upper deck passenger and crew escapes submitted Fri 28th July, with max 28 day turnaround but hoping for decision in 14 working days. FMPG undertook to chase again today.

Drawings for modifications to be completed this week.


FMPG – Escapes from machinery spaces, still need to design some solutions, moving the geometry of the ladders, and minimise any impact from services. There design will be presented to local MCA surveyor next week, with updated plan presented to this meeting next week.


FMPG – over next 2 weeks work on clamshell doors and mezzanine floors continuing.

15% electrical wiring work remaining to be completed, [REDACTED] target completion date is Oct

Action: FMPG to present commissioning plan to CMAL once developed. ( no timeline)


FMPG ongoing checks on all piping quality to give assurance on these.


Other roles to be recruited shortly thereafter.

Action: SCAD to meet with TS and CalMac to discuss critical role recruitment

CalMac – Familiarisation and training schedule will require defined periods on vessel.

Action: CalMac to share this with CMAL and FMPG to ensure alignment with handover programme

CalMac - Discussed the need to schedule FMPG ECDIS training to allow CalMac to schedule around crew availability.

Action: FMPG to arrange ECDIS training and confirm to CalMac

CalMac - Discussed the need for formal weekly review process for OORs. Agreed this is essential at this time in the build to review progress, update where these are closed out and escalate any outstanding impacts.

Expectation is that weekly meeting (as a minimum) will be established with FMPG, CMAL and CalMac crew to review progress so that any residual impacts can be escalated to the Acceptance Working Group for consideration.

Action: FMPG to arrange process for review

CalMac – Spares arriving at stores and no indication of whether capital spares or additional provided by manufacturer. FMPG have a piece of work ongoing to deliver a comprehensive list, this will be provided to CalMac/CMAL as soon as possible.

Action: FMPG to update spares list

FMPG – update on procurement team and challenges with lack of public sector experience.

Action: CalMac to pass details of experienced procurement lead to FMPG to set up assistance calls.

3. AOB


Meetings agreed for this group weekly but skipping the monthly FMPG program update, and will be in person in the boardroom at FMPG.

If individuals need remote access to the meeting if they could please let SG know in advance and this will be facilitated.

Meeting closed.

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