
Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group minutes: 16 January 2024

Minutes from the meeting held on 16 January 2024.

Attendees and apologies

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government (chair)

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government






[REDACTED] – Transport Scotland

Items and actions

Actions from previous meeting

a017 - [REDACTED], this action closed.

a017.1 - Operational instructions for the below bulkhead escapes will be developed and demonstrated to MCA by 30 Jan. The hook on emergency doors will be managed through normal BAU functions.

a018 - Review with Peel Ports has outlined that the requirement for Master and Chief relates to operational vessels, not those undergoing sea trials. There is now no need for a these roles to be present other than as CalMac Observers.

a021 - List of certificates required by MCA to be provided by FMPG.

a023 -  There was a focussed discussion about the list of unactioned remarks. FMPG to provide a list of those UAR which are incomplete, and CMAL have agreed to have a meeting with FMPG to triage and prioritise this prior to submission. CMAL raised concern that closure of required UARs could be achieved prior to May handover as list not yet agreed.  SG indicated that this should remain as a red risk on the register and should be escalated to the board to indicate a need for more resource. 

a025 - Full spares list now complete with 80% of required spares available. To be finalised by end Jan to order the spares required.

Hot topics

FMPG update - Critical path diagram discussed and welcomed by SG as helpful. FMPG noted positive meeting with MCA, and positive comments received on progression of build. FMPG's degree of confidence in sea trials is  considerable, and the plan for movement on 13th February and thereafter to [REDACTED] discussed. 

CalMac queried confidence in handover date, and FMPG responded they were confident, save for any issues identified at sea trials.

Any other business 

Nothing raised. 

Meeting Closed. 

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