
Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group minutes: 20 February 2024

Minutes from the 801 Working Group meeting on 20 February 2024.

Attendees and apologies

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government (chair)

[REDACTED] – Scottish Government

[REDACTED] – Scottish Government

David Tydeman – CEO FMPG





Robbie Drummond – CEO CalMac

[REDACTED] Transport Scotland

Items and actions

Actions from previous meeting

  • a017.1 -  Action closed 30/01/24 - CalMac have met with the MCA and clarification sought on basis for exemptions. That has allowed draft protocols to be developed outlining how the vessel will be operated. The demonstration of the evacuation of the spaces by FMPG is still required but this is delivered under a separate action.  
  • a021 - This is in hand and remains ongoing – MCA have responded with a broad list of what is required – more specific list of certifications needed from MCA – due next week (Action FMPG).
  • a023 - This list is still ongoing. [REDACTED] now onboard for 801 and will help to earmark the unactioned remarks.  Now initial sea trials have concluded, work can continue on this. The engineering and operational impact will need to be considered (Action – FMPG / CMAL). 
  • a025 - Contractual capital spares – FMPG to confirm delivery dates for all outstanding contractual spares and confirm when these will be delivered to [REDACTED] warehouse. Capital spares (non-contractual) / Maintenance spares – CalMac / CMAL need to finalise the non-contractual spares list and categorise as either non-contractual capital spares (CMAL’s responsibility) or maintenance spares (CalMac’s responsibility). Once confirmed, CMAL and [REDACTED] can commence procurement on respective lists (Action – FMPG). 

Hot topics

Dry Dock – moving into dry dock, sweep of the hull needs done and further builders trials.

Contingency on dry dock is better – 4 days booked and only need 2 days and weather will likely be better.

FMPG need the dry dock for the passenger certificate.

Any other business

Recruitment – once CMAL give go ahead, CalMac can commence this process.

Meeting End  

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