
Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group minutes: 26 March 2024

Minutes from the 801 working group meeting on 26 March 2024.

Attendees and apologies

[REDACTED] - Scottish Government (chair)

[REDACTED] – Scottish Government

[REDACTED] – Scottish Government






Robbie Drummond – CEO CalMac


[REDACTED] – Transport Scotland

Items and actions

Actions from previous meeting

  • a021 - remains ongoing – no change from previous meeting and still on track for 30 April (Action FMPG).
  • a023 - some of the more difficult items in this list are being worked on closely.
  • [REDACTED] took [REDACTED] through the list of OORs last week – 11 outstanding OORs remaining (point made that this is only 11 outstanding for OORs and not remarks overall) (action – FMPG / CMAL).
  • a025 - [REDACTED] to provide CalMac a list of everything and once this and the transfer is completed, the action can be closed off (action – FMPG)

Hot topics

Equipment – CalMac is content that the equipment is getting procured from CMAL. All of the Navigation and Communications have been upgraded and up to date software on [REDACTED] Licensing still needs to be acquired for the CCTV – this is underway. This is all part of the certification of equipment. List of equipment/suppliers of all items obsolete or soon to be obsolete to be provided by FMPG for CMAL. There are no remaining concerns regarding equipment for handover.

Warranty – the warranty operational process has been identified and in place, [REDACTED].

Delivery date - a detailed critical path on programme delivery is offered to help with clarity over programme delivery, but [REDACTED] expressed that the Board needs to sign off on the timeline of delivery. Every possibility of risk needs to be mapped out with timeline and cost attached. The importance of the delivery date and certainty of the delivery date is stressed by [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] stated that the timeline and delivery has been clear and has been presented to executive leaders and Board. [ [REDACTED] stated that the dates are reflected ambiguously in the previous minutes provided. [REDACTED] noted that he has not received the minutes, this has been noted and will be sent to him. Any adjustments of minutes from [REDACTED] will be re-cascaded to whole team.] Operations Communications Committee, created by David Tydeman and including John Petticrew, to try to optimise a plan for delivery a few weeks ago. Dates for delivery presented at this meeting is needing to be confirmed [REDACTED]

Any other business

Concerns from [REDACTED] that positive developments are not being cascaded and shared from the 801 meetings.

[REDACTED] – FMPG are making good progress on installation phase of LNG and delay can be up to 3 months from the date of 31st May (this information was provided by DT to NZET, which DT alluded to in appearance at Parliament as well).

[REDACTED] commented on date of delivery of May 31st and that it was a clear goal to work towards with caveats attached to this and it was always clear that it was a [REDACTED]

[REDACTED] raised concerns over DT’s dismissal and how he found out from a foreman and no warning was given to them. [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] reiterated [REDACTED] comments and [REDACTED] noted that she is understanding of their concerns and frustrations. [REDACTED] – [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] – [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. No other points from anyone else on this matter.

[REDACTED] noted that the board need to clarify the programme of delivery, and that appreciation is given to everyone at the table for their hard work, and appreciation is given that there has been a lack of effective communication. [REDACTED] thanked everyone for turning up and some showing support of DT.

[REDACTED] - Proposed that next week’s meeting is cancelled due to Easter leave and there will be an in-depth longer meeting the following week.

Meeting end. 

801 Acceptance Working Group Action Log - March 2024
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