Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit
This FASD Awareness Toolkit contains information and tools to help raise awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Activities for FASD Awareness Day
Mocktail event
Engage your community with a 'Mocktails for Mums' Activity
Purpose - get people talking and sharing non-alcoholic cocktail ideas.
Make up a range of different 'mocktails' in large jugs.
For each jug, prepare an A4 scoring sheet.
Provide small taster cups and ask participants to taste, score, and suggest a name for each mix.
Ask participants to score (marks out of 10) for taste and overall appeal.
Invite participants to make up a name for the cocktail - provide a prize for 'winner'.
Get people talking about their favourite non-alcoholic cocktails and share their recipes.
Disseminate public health information leaflet e.g. Alcohol Focus Scotland Alcohol and Pregnancy don't mix.
Mocktail recipes
Banana Smoothie: Put 1 banana, a pinch of nutmeg, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a cup of milk & two cups of crushed ice in a blender & blend into a thick smoothie.
Berry Surprise: Blend 1 cup of strawberries, a cup of pineapple chunks, ½ cup of raspberries & a splash of lime cordial together, serve over ice.
Capuccine: Shake some peppermint cordial & a dash of cream in a cocktail shaker, add crushed ice & decorate with grated chocolate.
Cinderella: Mix pineapple juice, orange juice & lemon juice in a shaker, add ice, soda water & a dash of grenadine to give a lovely berry colour. Garnish with a slice of pineapple or a cherry.
Fruitburst: Blend 1 apple, 3 carrots & a mango until smooth, then add freshly squeezed orange juice & 6 strawberries, blend on a low speed. Sieve, serve over ice.
Grapefruit Ice Cream Soda: Add 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice to a glass with a small pinch of sugar & stir until the sugar has dissolved. Top up with soda water & a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.
Golden Glow Punch: Mix orange juice, lemonade, apple juice & ginger ale in equal measures in a bowl & serve over ice.
Kiwi Cooler: Blend 3 cups of crushed ice, 2 tablespoons of coconut cream & 2 peeled & sliced kiwis. Chill in the fridge for half an hour & serve with sliced kiwi.
Lemon Daisy: Put a large dash of lemon juice & a large dash of grenadine into a glass, stir & add ice. Top the glass with half lemonade & half soda .
Highland Sunrise: Place half part orange juice & half cranberry juice in a blender & whizz until thoroughly mixed together. Serve with a straw & crushed ice.
Peach Smoothie: Put 15oz sliced peaches, 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream, half a cup of orange juice & a small dash of milk in a blender & blend until soft.
Seabreeze: Shake 4 parts cranberry juice & 2 parts grapefruit juice with ice & pour into a tumbler.
Find more recipes at:
Email: contactus@gov.scot
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