Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit
This FASD Awareness Toolkit contains information and tools to help raise awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Answers on page 14
1. What does FASD stand for?
2. What is FASD?
a. The term given to a range of birth defects caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy.
b. A term used to describe mothers who drink during pregnancy.
c. A newly discovered condition that can affect young children.
3. Why is raising awareness necessary?
a. Because every condition has an awareness day.
b. To prevent FASD we need to be able to reach prospective mothers and their partners as soon as possible with accurate information.
c. To provide support to people who have been affected.
4. Who is FASD Awareness Day for?
a. Young women because they may binge drink.
b. Older women, who may drink not knowing that they are pregnant.
c. Women who are trying to conceive.
d. All of the above.
5. What is the safe level of alcohol that a woman can consume when pregnant?
a. One or two units per week.
b. One or two units a day.
c. There is no safe level.
6. What medical advice is given to pregnant women about alcohol?
a. Medical advice is to avoid alcohol if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.
b. One or two units per week.
c. One or two units per day.
d. As much as you like as long as you don't get drunk.
7. How can alcohol damage the unborn baby?
a. Alcohol cannot damage the unborn baby, only the mother.
b. Alcohol can damage the unborn baby but only if the mother drinks a lot.
c. Alcohol can poison the growing baby.
d. Alcohol can interfere with normal development as a baby grows from conception to birth. This can cause a range of damage, or none at all.
8. Give one of the key FASD Awareness messages.
9. When is the most critical time for a pregnant woman to avoid alcohol?
a. The last 3 months of pregnancy.
b. The first 3 months of pregnancy.
c. If the mother is expecting twins.
d. For the duration of the pregnancy.
10. When is FASD Awareness Day?
a. 9th September.
b. 9th November.
c. 9th March.
During Pregnancy: No Alcohol - No Risk
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