Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit

This FASD Awareness Toolkit contains information and tools to help raise awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

FASD quiz answers

1. What does FASD stand for?
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

2. What is FASD?
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the term given to a range of birth defects caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy. Affected children tend to grow less well, may
have physical disabilities and display a variety of learning difficulties and behavioural problems. These problems cannot be 'cured' nor do they fade with time but they can be prevented.

3. Why is raising awareness necessary?
b. To prevent FASD we need to be able to reach prospective mothers and their partners as soon as possible with accurate information.

4. Who is FASD Awareness Day for?
d. Everyone. This includes young women who may be more inclined to binge drink, and older mums-to-be who may drink more regularly, not realising that they are pregnant at the time. That is why medical advice is to avoid alcohol if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.

5. What is the safe level of alcohol that a woman can consume when pregnant?
c. Research has not established a 'safe' level of alcohol intake while pregnant. What is known is that taking a 'pause' in alcohol use from conception to delivery will guarantee no alcohol related harm.

6. What medical advice is given to a pregnant women about alcohol?
a. Medical advice is to avoid alcohol if you are pregnant or trying to conceive.

7. How can alcohol damage the unborn baby?
d. Alcohol can interfere with normal development as a baby grows from conception to birth. This can cause a range of damage, or none at all. Factors such as the strength and amount of alcohol consumed, the developmental stage that is disrupted when exposure occurs, maternal genetics and metabolism can all affect the outcome.

8. Give one of the key FASD Awareness messages
1. FASD is preventable.
2. If you want to be sure that your baby is protected from FASD, avoid alcohol for the duration of your pregnancy.
3. There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant.
4. Everyone has a role to play in supporting pregnant women to avoid alcohol.

10. When is FASD Awareness Day?
a. 9th day of the 9th month i.e. 9th September. This symbolises the 9 months of pregnancy.

Sources: 10 Facts about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Children in Scotland (2010). www.childreninscotland.org.uk
Early years briefing: Fetal Alcohol Harm. Children in Scotland (2011). www.childreninscotland.org.uk

Fetal Alcohol Harm e-learning resource NHS Education for Scotland www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/hame/learning-andcpd/learning-spaces/fasd.aspx

Everyone has a role to play in preventing FASD


Email: contactus@gov.scot

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