Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit
This FASD Awareness Toolkit contains information and tools to help raise awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Where can I get more information?
- FASD Scotland offers:
Information and awareness about the lifelong risks of prenatal exposure to alcohol Information, support and advocacy to families caring for a child affected by FASD Advice and training to reduce FASD Secondary Disabilities.
Training for professionals involved with individuals affected by FASD.
Partnership with other agencies to prevent FASD and Secondary Disabilities.
Contact: info@FASDscotland.com - NOFAS-UK
NOFAS-UK (National Organisation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) is a charitable organisation that is committed to helping individuals affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their families. NOFAS-UK promotes education and public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. NOFAS-UK is a source of information on FASD to the public, press and medical professionals.
Contact: nofas-uk@midlantic.co.uk
Tel: 0208 458 5951 - FAS Aware UK
A group of parents and professionals in the United Kingdom devoted to raising awareness about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND), to help reduce the incidence of birth defects caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and to assist individuals and families struggling with the lifelong disabilities associated with FAS/ARND.
Contact: fasawareuk@blueyonder.co.uk - The FASD Trust provides:
Information on FASD and details of support groups for families affected, latest news, research, collaboration with NHS and other statutory bodies. The aim of the charity is to provide support for those affected and raise awareness of FASD. Also provides advice on drinking in pregnancy. - The Adolescent and Children's Trust (TACT)
Their core work involves providing fostering or adoptive families for children and young people. They also offer training to carers and adopters in the area of fetal alcohol affected children. Contact: scotlandenquiries@tactcare.org.uk - European Birth Mums Network of Children wih FASD
Designed to support birth mums in sharing their experiences on their journey.
Contact: eurobmsngroup@yahoo.com
Tel: 0207 692 1695 - NHS Education for Scotland: Fetal Alcohol Harm - eLearning Resource
Provides a comprehensive introduction into FASD.
FASD is preventable - let's do it together!
Scottish Government
Child and Maternal Health Division
Scottish Government
Victoria Quay
Phone: 0131 244 3494
Key messages for FAS Awareness Day
- FASD is preventable.
- If you want to be sure that your baby is protected from FASD, avoid alcohol for the duration of your pregnancy.
- There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant.
- Everyone has a role to play in supporting pregnant women to avoid alcohol.
If you are concerned about your drinking, or the drinking of someone close to you, please contact your GP, midwife, health professional or local addiction service provider.
Some ideas for FASD Awareness Day activities!
- Write an article for your local paper about how everyone can help prevent FASD.
- Get in touch with your local radio and go on air about avoiding alcohol in pregnancy.
- Host a display stand at a local health centre or maternity unit with information about abstaining from alcohol.
- Have fun making up and trying out alcohol-free cocktails.
- Give it a competitive edge by awarding a prize to the one people like most.
Email: contactus@gov.scot
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