Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit

This FASD Awareness Toolkit contains information and tools to help raise awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Toolkit contents

Materials in this toolkit include fact sheets about how alcohol can damage the fetus, recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails, and some ideas that you might use to organise and support local awareness events or staff training.

There is a quiz to test knowledge about alcohol and pregnancy, together with sample articles and press releases.
You can use these materials in a variety of ways, for example, put them on your intranet pages, texts to your colleagues and friends, include them in your staff newsletters, organise a coffee morning or discussion group and bring them into education initiatives. Taking part in these types of activities will demonstrate your support in preventing FASD and supporting women to avoid alcohol during pregnancy.

The materials will also help us to be consistent in how we communicate with stakeholders and the media about FASD Awareness Day.

Nothing in this toolkit is compulsory, it provides useful tips to help you get started.


Email: contactus@gov.scot

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