
Children (Scotland) Bill: business regulatory impact assessment

Cost and benefits to businesses and the third sector of the Children (Scotland) Bill.

4. Scottish Firms Impact Assessment

4.1 To appreciate the impact that the proposed legislation may have on businesses

operating in Scotland, we met with organisations including CALM Scotland Mediation, the Faculty of Advocates, the Family Law Association, Law Society of Scotland, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, and Relationships Scotland.

4.2 All the organisations were asked questions on each of the areas the Bill.

4.3 Some of the options that were considered may affect family lawyers. For example, a number of family lawyers are also curators ad litem and child welfare reporters and therefore the options to regulate curators ad litem and child welfare reporters could impact on them.

4.4 Members of the Faculty of Advocates and Law Society may be affected by all the proposals as any changes could affect the people that they would represent in court.

4.5 The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service will be affected by a large number of our proposals as they affect how a court case is run and who can appear before a court.

4.6 Relationships Scotland and the three independent contact centres will be affected by proposals to regulate contact centres.



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