
Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: final estimates - 2016

Final estimates of the cereal and oilseed rape harvest for Scotland 2016.

8. Reference Tables

Table 1: Cereal Area, Yield and Production 2015 and 2016

2015 20162 % change 2015/2016

(000 ha)
(000 t)
(000 ha)
(000 t)
Area Yield Prod.
Wheat 110 9.3 1,019 110 8.4 926 0.0% -9.2% -9.1%
Winter Barley 52 7.8 406 48 6.8 329 -7.3% -12.7% -19.1%
Spring Barley 256 5.9 1,521 239 5.4 1,296 -6.6% -8.7% -14.7%
Total Barley 308 6.3 1,927 287 5.7 1,625 -6.7% -9.6% -15.7%
Oats 26 5.9 152 31 6.4 201 21.8% 8.8% 32.6%
Total Cereals1 444 7.0 3,101 428 6.4 2,752 -3.4% -8.1% -11.2%
Oilseed Rape 36 4.1 148 31 3.3 102 -14.2% -20.1% -31.4%

(1) Includes Triticale
(2) Basis of Production Estimates. The estimates of production are based on crop areas from the respective June Censuses, along with crop yield estimates from the Cereal Production Surveys.

Table 2: Cereal Area, Yield and Production 1997 to 2016

Total cereals(1) Spring barley Winter barley Wheat Oats
Year Area
1997 475,958 5.81 2,766,710 265,212 4.86 1,289,532 78,893 6.64 523,763 108,655 7.56 820,943 21,185 5.71 120,932
1998 468,154 5.46 2,556,349 255,822 4.54 1,160,886 77,705 5.89 457,320 111,172 7.37 819,316 21,784 5.16 112,470
1999 447,236 5.88 2,629,266 280,546 5.20 1,459,163 58,442 6.56 383,414 84,476 7.80 659,177 22,278 5.34 118,971
2000 448,720 6.34 2,846,939 254,718 5.15 1,311,105 61,678 7.38 455,349 108,853 8.79 956,432 21,927 5.28 115,874
2001 438,623 6.06 2,656,550 280,786 5.59 1,570,617 55,319 6.24 345,045 79,680 7.74 616,970 21,333 5.37 114,630
2002 445,512 5.70 2,540,349 263,914 4.85 1,279,984 61,234 6.70 410,268 97,192 7.60 738,662 21,907 4.79 104,897
2003 431,720 6.63 2,870,410 264,920 6.05 1,603,596 55,649 7.11 395,428 87,498 8.36 731,351 22,340 5.95 132,822
2004 438,039 6.61 2,904,878 257,462 5.72 1,473,709 56,348 7.40 416,719 101,126 8.78 888,156 21,831 5.44 118,688
2005 411,329 6.65 2,742,230 243,298 5.74 1,396,231 51,341 7.58 388,938 95,595 8.81 841,744 19,955 5.49 109,505
2006 398,050 6.87 2,744,088 220,639 5.95 1,313,527 53,762 7.76 417,444 99,681 8.70 867,053 22,682 6.10 138,391
2007 403,493 6.67 2,699,921 226,019 5.80 1,312,003 52,625 7.63 401,377 102,744 8.30 852,603 20,868 6.08 126,887
2008 456,547 6.65 3,043,330 262,322 5.72 1,500,118 57,612 7.55 435,085 113,797 8.68 987,256 21,720 5.27 114,515
2009 447,554 6.44 2,887,132 287,011 5.81 1,668,240 45,149 6.97 314,527 92,482 8.30 767,651 22,299 5.95 132,570
2010 425,496 6.71 2,857,814 242,364 5.82 1,410,270 48,010 7.20 345,615 111,436 8.55 953,239 23,000 6.31 145,117
2011 446,181 6.60 2,948,871 262,948 5.83 1,532,979 45,477 7.34 333,623 115,412 8.29 956,985 21,715 5.61 121,826
2012 456,902 5.48 2,507,016 289,222 5.00 1,446,950 42,816 6.46 276,511 100,637 6.69 673,288 23,672 4.57 108,249
2013 458,219 6.19 2,836,836 296,444 5.78 1,713,548 42,694 6.57 280,511 86,840 7.52 652,933 31,728 5.89 187,021
2014 462,123 6.97 3,221,284 274,377 6.07 1,664,905 52,507 7.82 410,765 109,023 9.07 989,347 25,050 6.10 152,924
2015 443,564 6.99 3,100,624 255,878 5.94 1,520,756 51,808 7.84 406,169 109,562 9.30 1,019,182 25,615 5.92 151,569
2016 428,348 6.43 2,752,412 238,899 5.43 1,296,481 48,031 6.84 328,766 109,594 8.45 925,992 31,210 6.44 200,936

(1) Includes Triticale
Lowest value in series
Highest value in series

Table 3: Oilseed rape Area, Yield and Production 1997 to 2016

1997 59,341 2.6 156,479
1998 65,117 2.8 181,587
1999 51,173 3.1 161,070
2000 36,406 3.0 110,993
2001 34,850 3.0 105,893
2002 30,901 3.4 103,823
2003 35,163 3.4 120,847
2004 39,316 3.4 131,906
2005 35,591 3.3 119,117
2006 33,743 3.6 120,030
2007 36,334 3.7 133,657
2008 33,623 3.4 114,902
2009 29,043 3.7 108,605
2010 36,002 3.4 123,334
2011 38,388 3.9 149,627
2012 36,611 2.9 106,420
2013 33,653 3.3 111,652
2014 37,073 4.0 147,570
2015 35,797 4.1 148,491
2016 30,731 3.3 101,862

Lowest value in series
Highest value in series

Table 4: Regional Production Estimates by Crop 2007 to 2016

Crop Region 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Change since 2015 Change since 2015 (%)
Total Cereals North East 802,784 941,831 932,639 874,701 957,593 839,960 948,585 1,060,532 950,180 835,527 -114,653 -12.1
North West 195,732 237,657 218,342 212,988 227,186 192,847 210,234 215,332 203,092 196,239 -6,854 -3.4
South East 1,433,271 1,591,155 1,464,531 1,475,422 1,518,020 1,209,637 1,414,053 1,667,435 1,709,136 1,500,630 -208,505 -12.2
South West 268,134 272,688 271,620 294,702 246,073 264,572 263,963 277,985 238,216 220,016 -18,200 -7.6
All 2,699,921 3,043,330 2,887,132 2,857,814 2,948,871 2,507,016 2,836,836 3,221,284 3,100,624 2,752,412 -348,212 -11.2
Spring Barley North East 475,657 588,277 629,606 551,615 644,595 584,727 691,714 709,866 622,998 542,973 -80,025 -12.8
North West 141,813 172,649 167,527 153,393 169,638 149,283 157,325 159,443 150,010 138,020 -11,990 -8.0
South East 529,130 585,758 690,933 533,713 576,634 529,601 689,542 642,499 625,805 504,709 -121,096 -19.4
South West 165,404 153,434 180,174 171,549 142,112 183,338 174,968 153,096 121,944 110,779 -11,164 -9.2
All 1,312,003 1,500,118 1,668,240 1,410,270 1,532,979 1,446,950 1,713,548 1,664,905 1,520,756 1,296,481 -224,275 -14.7
Winter Barley North East 172,867 182,472 136,192 152,141 133,527 119,635 127,372 174,251 159,008 127,635 -31,373 -19.7
North West 9,797 12,063 8,654 7,832 8,556 7,024 9,012 12,115 10,971 8,639 -2,332 -21.3
South East 177,055 198,485 143,623 151,035 160,807 133,745 123,321 192,206 197,115 156,192 -40,924 -20.8
South West 41,658 42,065 26,057 34,607 30,733 16,107 20,806 32,192 39,074 36,301 -2,774 -7.1
All 401,377 435,085 314,527 345,615 333,623 276,511 280,511 410,765 406,169 328,766 -77,403 -19.1
Total Barley North East 648,524 770,749 765,798 703,756 778,122 704,363 819,086 884,118 782,006 670,608 -111,398 -14.2
North West 151,610 184,712 176,181 161,225 178,194 156,307 166,337 171,558 160,981 146,659 -14,322 -8.9
South East 706,185 784,243 834,556 684,748 737,441 663,346 812,863 834,706 822,920 660,901 -162,020 -19.7
South West 207,062 195,499 206,231 206,156 172,845 199,445 195,773 185,289 161,018 147,080 -13,938 -8.7
All 1,713,380 1,935,204 1,982,767 1,755,885 1,866,602 1,723,461 1,994,059 2,075,670 1,926,925 1,625,247 -301,678 -15.7
Wheat North East 126,737 146,841 141,131 144,675 154,766 122,012 100,154 152,263 140,273 123,476 -16,797 -12.0
North West 30,409 36,877 26,692 36,759 34,806 26,334 30,246 32,184 27,527 30,398 2,871 10.4
South East 652,212 742,307 552,817 703,342 711,691 479,249 478,853 733,227 790,884 718,955 -71,929 -9.1
South West 43,246 61,231 47,012 68,463 55,722 45,693 43,680 71,673 60,498 53,163 -7,335 -12.1
All 852,603 987,256 767,651 953,239 956,985 673,288 652,933 989,347 1,019,182 925,992 -93,190 -9.1
Spring Oats North East 21,051 19,780 21,328 23,147 21,653 11,547 28,029 21,536 24,817 38,206 13,390 54.0
North West 10,831 13,277 13,344 13,257 13,250 9,320 13,051 10,442 13,330 18,121 4,791 35.9
South East 32,541 30,797 45,837 44,185 27,932 39,392 88,581 47,416 49,541 65,770 16,229 32.8
South West 9,835 10,187 15,227 13,999 11,923 16,352 20,940 15,641 11,658 15,403 3,745 32.1
All 74,258 74,041 95,735 94,588 74,759 76,611 150,601 95,034 99,346 137,501 38,155 38.4
Winter Oats North East 5,071 3,422 2,184 2,342 2,241 1,525 1,126 2,565 3,000 3,218 217 7.2
North West 2,683 2,669 1,241 1,655 916 872 582 1,126 1,229 1,011 -217 -17.7
South East 39,559 30,359 31,228 41,893 39,765 27,036 32,563 50,332 44,514 54,836 10,322 23.2
South West 5,317 4,023 2,183 4,639 4,144 2,205 2,150 3,867 3,480 4,370 889 25.6
All 52,629 40,474 36,835 50,529 47,067 31,638 36,420 57,890 52,223 63,435 11,211 21.5
Total Oats North East 26,121 23,202 23,512 25,489 23,894 13,072 29,154 24,100 27,817 41,424 13,607 48.9
North West 13,514 15,946 14,584 14,912 14,167 10,192 13,632 11,567 14,559 19,132 4,574 31.4
South East 72,101 61,157 77,065 86,078 67,698 66,428 121,144 97,748 94,055 120,606 26,551 28.2
South West 15,152 14,210 17,409 18,638 16,067 18,557 23,090 19,508 15,138 19,773 4,635 30.6
All 126,887 114,515 132,570 145,117 121,826 108,249 187,021 152,924 151,569 200,936 49,367 32.6
Triticale North East 1,402 1,039 2,198 781 811 513 191 51 84 19 -64 -76.9
North West 200 121 885 93 19 14 19 23 26 50 24 92.2
South East 2,773 3,448 93 1,254 1,190 613 1,193 1,755 1,277 168 -1,109 -86.8
South West 2,675 1,748 968 1,444 1,439 877 1,420 1,515 1,561 0 -1,561 -100.0
All 7,050 6,356 4,144 3,573 3,459 2,018 2,822 3,344 2,948 238 -2,711 -91.9
Spring Oilseed Rape North East 491 1,642 448 1,222 561 256 443 131 358 346 -12 -3.5
North West 38 119 343 416 275 34 373 56 173 125 -48 -27.7
South East 522 1,579 2,941 2,441 1,694 839 3,320 906 1,022 717 -305 -29.9
South West 47 183 262 363 351 293 350 226 110 35 -75 -67.9
All 1,098 3,523 3,994 4,441 2,881 1,421 4,487 1,319 1,664 1,223 -441 -26.5
Winter Oilseed Rape North East 49,173 37,627 47,613 41,395 49,345 40,443 44,819 46,904 43,382 27,030 -16,352 -37.7
North West 5,962 4,082 5,866 6,192 7,483 5,000 6,272 7,867 7,540 6,583 -957 -12.7
South East 74,622 67,763 49,371 70,001 86,982 58,157 55,319 89,375 93,809 64,927 -28,883 -30.8
South West 2,801 1,907 1,761 1,304 2,937 1,398 755 2,106 2,096 2,099 3 0.2
All 132,559 111,380 104,611 118,893 146,746 104,998 107,166 146,251 146,827 100,639 -46,188 -31.5
Total Oilseed Rape North East 49,664 39,268 48,061 42,617 49,906 40,698 45,263 47,035 43,740 27,376 -16,365 -37.4
North West 6,000 4,202 6,210 6,608 7,758 5,034 6,645 7,923 7,714 6,709 -1,005 -13.0
South East 75,144 69,342 52,312 72,442 88,676 58,996 58,639 90,281 94,831 65,643 -29,188 -30.8
South West 2,849 2,090 2,023 1,667 3,288 1,691 1,105 2,332 2,206 2,134 -72 -3.3
All 133,657 114,902 108,605 123,334 149,627 106,420 111,652 147,570 148,491 101,862 -46,629 -31.4

Table 5: Cereals - Comparison of Provisional and Final Estimates 2007 to 2016
(Percentage differences are of Final minus Provisional)


  Total cereals Spring barley Winter barley Wheat Oats
Year Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference
2007 401,410 403,493 0.5% 224,140 226,019 0.8% 52,860 52,625 -0.4% 101,790 102,744 0.9% 21,520 20,868 -3.0%
2008 455,830 456,547 0.2% 261,890 262,322 0.2% 57,520 57,612 0.2% 113,649 113,797 0.1% 21,670 21,720 0.2%
2009 447,554 447,554 0.0% 287,011 287,011 0.0% 45,149 45,149 0.0% 92,482 92,482 0.0% 22,299 22,299 0.0%
2010 424,492 425,496 0.2% 241,758 242,364 0.3% 47,939 48,010 0.1% 111,269 111,436 0.1% 22,299 23,000 3.1%
2011 446,181 446,181 0.0% 262,948 262,948 0.0% 45,477 45,477 0.0% 115,412 115,412 0.0% 21,715 21,715 0.0%
2012 456,901 456,902 0.0% 289,222 289,222 0.0% 42,816 42,816 0.0% 100,637 100,637 0.0% 23,672 23,672 0.0%
2013 458,219 458,219 0.0% 296,444 296,444 0.0% 42,694 42,694 0.0% 86,840 86,840 0.0% 31,728 31,728 0.0%
2014 461,477 462,123 0.1% 274,377 274,377 0.0% 52,507 52,507 0.0% 109,023 109,023 0.0% 25,050 25,050 0.0%
2015 443,127 443,564 0.1% 255,642 255,878 0.1% 51,770 51,808 0.1% 109,476 109,562 0.1% 25,613 25,615 0.0%
2016 428,348 428,348 0.0% 238,899 238,899 0.0% 48,031 48,031 0.0% 109,594 109,594 0.0% 31,210 31,210 0.0%


  Total cereals Spring barley Winter barley Wheat Oats
Year Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference
2007 6.61 6.67 1.0% 5.72 5.80 1.5% 7.59 7.63 0.5% 8.18 8.30 1.4% 6.11 6.08 -0.5%
2008 6.67 6.65 -0.3% 5.63 5.72 1.6% 7.79 7.55 -3.1% 8.61 8.68 0.8% 5.95 5.27 -11.4%
2009 6.40 6.44 0.7% 5.73 5.81 1.4% 7.41 6.97 -6.0% 8.07 8.30 2.9% 6.10 5.95 -2.5%
2010 6.51 6.71 3.0% 5.34 5.82 9.0% 7.05 7.20 2.1% 8.94 8.55 -4.3% 6.02 6.31 4.8%
2011 6.88 6.60 -4.0% 6.16 5.83 -5.4% 7.23 7.34 1.5% 8.53 8.29 -2.8% 6.06 5.61 -7.5%
2012 5.48 5.48 0.1% 4.87 5.00 2.8% 6.51 6.46 -0.8% 6.79 6.69 -1.5% 5.53 4.57 -17.4%
2013 6.07 6.19 2.0% 5.60 5.78 3.3% 6.88 6.57 -4.6% 7.25 7.52 3.6% 6.15 5.89 -4.1%
2014 7.11 6.97 -2.0% 6.36 6.07 -4.6% 7.74 7.82 1.1% 8.75 9.07 3.7% 6.91 6.10 -11.6%
2015 7.32 6.99 -4.6% 6.16 5.94 -3.5% 8.30 7.84 -5.6% 9.67 9.30 -3.8% 6.97 5.92 -15.1%
2016 6.47 6.43 -0.8% 5.31 5.43 2.3% 7.19 6.84 -4.7% 8.72 8.45 -3.1% 6.58 6.44 -2.2%


  Total cereals Spring barley Winter barley Wheat Oats
Year Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference Provisional Final Percentage Difference
2007 2,653,398 2,699,921 1.8% 1,281,338 1,312,003 2.4% 401,066 401,377 0.1% 833,014 852,603 2.4% 131,425 126,887 -3.5%
2008 3,042,256 3,043,330 0.0% 1,474,441 1,500,118 1.7% 448,081 435,085 -2.9% 978,518 987,256 0.9% 128,937 114,515 -11.2%
2009 2,872,228 2,887,132 0.5% 1,645,541 1,668,240 1.4% 334,338 314,527 -5.9% 745,969 767,651 2.9% 135,970 132,570 -2.5%
2010 2,872,228 2,857,814 -0.5% 1,289,851 1,410,270 9.3% 337,987 345,615 2.3% 994,322 953,239 -4.1% 137,657 145,117 5.4%
2011 3,067,714 2,948,871 -3.9% 1,619,867 1,532,979 -5.4% 328,803 333,623 1.5% 984,421 956,985 -2.8% 131,668 121,826 -7.5%
2012 2,502,839 2,507,016 0.2% 1,407,715 1,446,950 2.8% 278,613 276,511 -0.8% 683,445 673,288 -1.5% 131,009 108,249 -17.4%
2013 2,781,049 2,836,836 2.0% 1,659,309 1,713,548 3.3% 293,944 280,511 -4.6% 629,963 652,933 3.6% 195,010 187,021 -4.1%
2014 3,282,301 3,221,284 -1.9% 1,745,867 1,664,905 -4.6% 406,166 410,765 1.1% 953,905 989,347 3.7% 173,022 152,924 -11.6%
2015 3,245,525 3,100,624 -4.5% 1,574,132 1,520,756 -3.4% 429,837 406,169 -5.5% 1,059,096 1,019,182 -3.8% 178,430 151,569 -15.1%
2016 2,773,547 2,752,412 -0.8% 1,265,692 1,296,481 2.4% 344,822 328,766 -4.7% 953,196 925,992 -2.9% 205,514 200,936 -2.2%


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