
Scottish Budget 2022 to 2023: final outturn report

A statement of final outturn for the financial year 2022 to 2023 against the statutory limits authorised by the Scottish Parliament through the appropriate legislative processes.

Final Outturn Report for the Scottish Budget 2022-2023


1. The purpose of this report is to present a statement of Final Outturn for the financial year 2022-23 against the statutory limits authorised through the appropriate legislative processes by the Scottish Parliament.

2. The report then summarises the financial outturn of the Scottish Government, the bodies within the Scottish Administration and bodies funded directly from the Scottish budget (Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and Audit Scotland) against HM Treasury budgetary limits. It also provides a reconciliation to the Scottish Government’s 2022-23 Consolidated Accounts.


3. Building on the Scottish Government’s 2022-23 Consolidated Accounts[1], this report summarises the financial outturn of the bodies within the Scottish Administration, to report against the statutory budget limits authorised by the Scottish Parliament.

4. This report also includes the outturn of other bodies funded directly from the Scottish Budget, the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and Audit Scotland.

5. Final Outturn reports the position of the Scottish Government’s expenditure against the fiscal controls set by HM Treasury which include all bodies within the Scottish Government budgeting boundary (with the areas making up the budgeting boundary set out in tables 1 and 2). The Provisional Outturn statement announced in June 2023 also follows this format.

Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts

6. The scope of the Scottish Government’s Consolidated Accounts are determined by the requirements of the Government’s Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) and covers elements not included within HM Treasury fiscal totals. The variances are driven by different reporting boundaries and with the Accounts based against the Spring Budget Revision (SBR), which does not include final borrowing and funding decisions, as well as the impact of any consequential changes from the final UK Supplementary Estimates process which concluded post SBR. Therefore, as these reports are generated on a different basis, the figures reported in the Consolidated Accounts and the Provisional and Final Outturns will differ.

7. The Scottish Government’s 2022-23 Consolidated Accounts[1] reports a final expenditure outturn of £49.8 billion against the approved budget of £50.3 billion, generating an underspend of £509 million.

8. Taking into account other bodies included within the wider Scottish Administration boundary, the position shows final expenditure outturn of £57.2 billion against the approved Parliamentary budget of £57.6 billion, generating an underspend of £344 million.

9. The inclusion of the directly-funded bodies (i.e. Scottish Parliament and Audit Scotland) completes the picture. The overall reported position for the total Scottish Budget in 2022-23 shows an expenditure outturn of £57.4 billion against the approved Parliamentary budget of £57.7 billion. This results in an underspend of £347 million which represents 0.6 percent of budget. Table 1 below provides further detail. It should be noted the figures provided are as reported in the audited accounts of each body.

Table 1: Comparison of Outturn to the Budget Approved by the Scottish Parliament
2022-23 Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts Final Outturn Budget as at Spring Budget Revision Over / Under
£million £million £million
Finance and Economy 1,456 1,496 (40)
Health and Social Care 17,634 17,895 (261)
Education and Skills 3,948 4,004 (56)
Net Zero Energy and Transport 4,031 4,141 (110)
Constitution External Affairs and Culture 267 271 (4)
Justice and Veterans 3,298 3,329 (31)
Rural Affairs and Islands 895 898 (3)
Social Justice Housing and Local Government 18,007 18,002 5
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery 40 45 (5)
The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal 191 195 (4)
Total Scottish Government as per Consolidated Accounts 49,767 50,276 (509)
Environmental Standards Scotland 2 2 0
Food Standards Scotland 26 26 0
National Records of Scotland 62 63 (1)
NHS & Teachers Pension Schemes 7,141 6,966 175
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 3 3 0
Registers of Scotland 7 13 (6)
Revenue Scotland 8 8 0
Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service 183 186 (3)
Scottish Fiscal Commission 2 2 0
Scottish Housing Regulator 5 5 0
Total Scottish Administration 57,206 57,550 (344)
Scottish Parliament 128 130 (2)
Audit Scotland 16 17 (1)
Total Scottish Budget 57,350 57,697 (347)

10. The total underspend of £347 million does not represent a loss of spending power to the Scottish Government.

11. Full details of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts underspends which make up the £509 million underspend are outlined at:

12. Of the remaining figures over and above the Consolidated Accounts position, the most material variance (a £175 million overspend) relates to NHS and Teacher pension schemes. The pension schemes fall under Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) budgets which are ring-fenced budgets set by HM Treasury. Any under/over spends shown against UK-funded Annually Managed Expenditure cannot be deposited in the Scotland Reserve and have no subsequent impact on the Scottish Budget. These budgets are not available for general public services.

Taxes, Borrowing and the Scotland Reserve

13. The Fiscal Framework Outturn Report 2023[2] published by the Scottish Government on the 29th of September provides information in relation to Scottish Income Tax, fully devolved taxes, the use of borrowing powers and the operation of the Scotland Reserve. The Fiscal Framework Outturn Report sets out the position as reported in the Provisional Outturn statement to Parliament in June 2023. The next section provides an update to that position and an explanation of the key movements between Provisional and Final Outturn.

Final Outturn – HM Treasury Controls

14. The final 2022-23 fiscal outturn confirmed with HM Treasury in December was £46.8 billion against a budget of £47.1 billion, resulting in an underspend of £326 million. This is just under 1% of the total budget (Table 2 below provides further detail). This represents a movement of £82 million from the £244 million underspend reported in June 2023 in the Provisional Outturn Statement.

Table 2: Final Outturn 2022-23 (HMT budgetary limits)
2022-23 Final Outturn Outturn Budget Variance
£million £million £million
Finance and Economy 1,386 1,461 (75)
Health and Social Care 17,066 17,168 (102)
Education and Skills 3,779 3,903 (124)
Net Zero Energy and Transport 4,257 4,542 (285)
Constitution External Affairs and Culture 273 280 (7)
Justice and Veterans 3,283 3,313 (30)
Rural Affairs and Islands 873 886 (13)
Social Justice Housing and Local Government 15,252 15,285 (33)
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery 41 45 (4)
The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal 196 201 (5)
Total Scottish Government 46,406 47,084 (678)
Environmental Standards Scotland 2 2 0
Food Standards Scotland 25 25 0
National Records of Scotland 59 59 0
NHS & Teachers Pension Schemes 0 0 0
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 3 3 0
Registers of Scotland 3 5 (2)
Revenue Scotland 7 7 0
Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service 152 153 (1)
Scottish Fiscal Commission 2 2 0
Scottish Housing Regulator 5 5 0
Total Scottish Administration 46,664 47,345 (681)
Scottish Parliament 109 110 (1)
Audit Scotland 10 11 (1)
Total Scottish Budget 46,783 47,466 (683)
Funding Adjustments – late UK Supplementary Estimate funding reduction 67 (67)
Funding Adjustments – reduction in borrowing (182) 182
Funding Adjustments – reductions in Financial Transactions (82) 82
Funding Adjustment - IFRS 16 (160) 160
Total Outturn 46,783 47,109 (326)

15. The Provisional Outturn Statement is presented to Parliament prior to completion of audited accounts for the Scottish Government and associated bodies and is therefore subject to change.

16. The changes between Provisional and Final Outturn were a result of accounting adjustments which occurred as part of the year-end process. The main driver of the change is within the Health and Social Care portfolio and relates to a timing difference between years arising from a different audit interpretation of how income from a contract relating to treatment of patients from other boards areas by Glasgow should be recorded (£68 million).

17. The £326 million underspend is carried forward in full in the Scotland Reserve. The majority of this carry forward had already been pro-actively anticipated, and the final 2023-24 spending plans, already approved by this parliament reflect full drawdown of the balances brought forward. This includes: the £39 million of Financial Transactions anticipated within the 2023-24 Budget (published in December 2022), and £115 million of additional funding announced (at stage 3 of the Budget Bill on 21 February 2023) by the Deputy First Minister to further support Local Government, and the inter-islands ferry network. The remainder has been fully allocated during 2023-24 as part of the Autumn and Spring Budget Revision processes.

18. Annex A provides a reconciliation to the Scottish Government’s Consolidated Accounts versus Final Outturn statement against HM Treasury Totals. The difference is driven by non-cash and funding adjustments.


19. The Scottish Government’s approach means that budgets are carefully managed across more than one year, with limited funding carried forward into the following year to support budget plans approved by the Scottish Parliament. This approach recognises fluctuations in demand and associated costs across spending review periods, ensuring no loss of spending power in Scotland. Table 3 below sets out the final Reserve carry forward position.

Table 3: Scotland Reserve 2022-23
Scotland Reserve 2022-23 Resource Capital Financial Transactions Total
£million £million £million £million
Provisional Outturn 181 25 39 245
Movement 69 7 5 81
Final Outturn 250 32 44 326



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