Final report of the Access Data Short-Life Working Group

The Access Data Short-life Working Group (SLWG) was formed to consider possible data sources to complement SIMD. This report is the output of that group.


Objectives and progress

  • Investigate whether Free School Meals (FSM) data continues to be a suitable proxy measure of deprivation.

This objective was achieved. Updated analysis of FSM data shows that it continues to be a suitable proxy measure of deprivation and data sharing with UCAS (and subsequently higher education institutions) should be pursued. Further work is required to investigate the legal basis under which the data could be shared as per data protection legislation.

  • Investigate the suitability of Scottish Child Payment (SCP) data as a potential proxy measure of deprivation.

This objective was partially achieved with the data currently available. Initial analysis of SCP data shows that it is likely a suitable proxy measure of deprivation and that data sharing with UCAS (and subsequently higher education institutions) should likely be pursued. Further work is required to confirm this as more data becomes available.

  • Investigate the viability of both data sources, their possible interaction with existing measures, and the practical implementation of each measure (including verification of data if required).

This objective was partially achieved. Further work is required to investigate how SCP data interacts with both FSMs and SIMD data, and to understand the overlap between those in receipt of SCP and those living in SIMD20 areas.

  • Produce a final report for the Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment & Training – latterly the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans – and the main Access Delivery Group as to the findings of the group and recommendations for next steps.

This objective was achieved. This report serves as the final report for the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans, and the Access Delivery Group.


The SLWG therefore recommends that:

  • Following further analysis, both FSM and SCP continue to be considered as possible individual-level widening access measures;
  • Additional analysis of SCP data should be undertaken by SG officials as more data becomes available, to understand its interaction with SIMD and to ensure that it can be progressed as a measure;
  • SG should explore the most appropriate and efficient legislative approach to share FSM data in the first instance, including, if required, exploring the introduction of legislation to enable data sharing;
  • If both a legal gateway and legal basis under data protection legislation are found for data sharing, scoping work for the implementation of this policy is undertaken by SG and reported to SLWG members and Ministers;
  • In the meantime, progress toward widening access should continue to be tracked using SIMD20, with institutions working towards the next interim target (The next interim target is for 18% of all full-time first-degree entrants to come from the 20% most deprived areas by 2026.).

Next steps for the SLWG

It is proposed that the SLWG continues to meet quarterly in an oversight capacity to:

  • Consider the legal routes which may enable the sharing of FSM and/or SCP data; and
  • Consider further analysis of the interaction between FSM, SCP and SIMD data (as this becomes available).

SG officials will continue to implement outcomes from this initial phase, including progressing the roll-out of any data sharing measures if and when a possible route for doing so is confirmed.

Work to support adult learners

SG officials recognise the need to consider widening access measures that support adult learners and adult returners.

SG officials will begin scoping work on this with a view to holding a meeting with relevant stakeholders, outlining a possible remit and definitions to be used when exploring widening access needs for adult learners.

SG officials will also continue to work closely with the Commissioner and those involved in wider reform of the post-school education and skills system to ensure that the SLWG’s recommendations are in line with wider developments in the further and higher education sectors. This will ensure that any focus of the SLWG will reflect current priorities.



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