
Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2019

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.

Vegetable area falls while stock-feeding crops increase

Vegetable area falls while stock-feeding crops increase

  • Area used to grow vegetables for human consumption 18,600 hectares

The area used to grow vegetables intended for human consumption (excluding potatoes) fell over the past year. In June 2019 there were 18,600 hectares of vegetables, a drop of two per cent from June 2018. The area is still above the ten-year average.

  • Area used to grow vegetables for stock-feed 19,400 hectares

The area used to grow animal feed remained stable. In the past year the total area of vegetables for stock-feeding rose from 19,300 to 19,400 hectares. The area is 14 per cent below the ten-year average.



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