Finance and Public Administration Committee: finance update

Background information provided to the Finance and Public Administration Committee to help with members' scrutiny of the Autumn Budget Revision 2022 to 2023.

Annex A Fiscal Resource Funding Envelope Breakdown

Fiscal Resource (£m) Scottish Budget Bill Confirmed additions (ABR) ABR Funding Position
Barnett 34,322 34,322
Consequentials 447 447
Rail Resource Grant 80 80
Ringfenced Funding (HMT) 624 624
Total UK Settlement (A) 35,026 447 35,473
Social Security BGA 3,587 3,587
BGA< (14,639) (14,639 )
Scottish Income Tax (gross figure) 13,671 13,671
LBTT< 749 749
SLT< 101 101
Non-tax income 25 25
Haircut on Net Tax BGA Uplift
Net Tax/BGA/SS BGA Position (B) 3,493 - 3,493
Reconciliations (15) (15 )
Resource Borrowing 15 15
Borrowing Costs transferred from spending and revised (160) (160)
Scotwind 40 56 96
Scotland Reserve 120 301 421
Migrant Surcharge 92 92
QLTR 5 5
Other 180 (24) 156
Spillover 400 (25) 375
Machinery of Government - 8 8
Total Other Income ( C) 837 156 993
Total Fiscal Resource Funding 39,356 603 39,959
Total Fiscal Resource Budgeted Spend 39,356 713 40,069
Borrowing Costs transferred to funding (168) (168)
Fiscal Resource Spend (adjusted) 39,356 545 39,901
Unallocated Funding - 58 58

£620 million Other Income Assumption in the Scottish Budget comprised as follows:

  • Scotwind £40 million
  • Spillover £400 million
  • Other (expected consequentials) £180 million
  • Scotland Reserve £0m

The Scotland Reserve assumption was specifically increased to £120 million for fiscal Resource during Stage 2 amendments to fund the additional allocation to local government.



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