
Financial and business services key sector report

A description of Scotland's financial and business services key sector, identifying challenges faced as well as potential opportunities.


  1. Statistical Definitions: Financial services: SIC 65-67. Business Services: SIC 74.
  2. 2008 employment figures are the most recent annual figures currently available from the Annual Business Inquiry. Annual employment data for 2009 is due to be released in December 2010.
  3. The Scottish Quarterly GDP index measures output at basic prices. Gross value added, or GVA, is another term for GDP measured at basic prices).
  4. Exports are derived from Scotland's Global Connections Survey ( GCS), published in March 2009. Exports to the rest of UK are currently classified as "in development" and therefore should be treated with caution. The figures for key sectors are derived by aggregating estimates based at a low standard industrial classification ( SIC) level. The GCS is not designed to collect data at this level of accuracy, therefore these results should be treated as indicative.
  5. 2008 employment figures are the most recent annual figures currently available from the Annual Business Inquiry. Annual employment data for 2009 is due to be released in December 2010.
  6. 2008 employment figures are the most recent annual figures currently available from the Annual Business Inquiry. Annual employment data for 2009 is due to be released in December 2010.
  7. HM Treasury GDP deflators used to convert nominal export data to 2008 prices.
  8. A copy of the strategy can be found at
  9. A copy of this and previous reports can be found at


Email: Central Enquiries Unit,

The Scottish Government
St Andrew’s House

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