
Financial redress for survivors of child abuse in care: information note 12 - October 2021

Update on work taking place since the The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill was passed by Parliament in March 2021.

Preparations for scheme opening

When Scotland’s Redress Scheme opens later this year, it will be run by two organisations:

  • the Scottish Government Redress Division which will administer the scheme and provide support to apply
  • a new independent body, Redress Scotland, which will make decisions on applications

Information note 12 provides updates from both organisations on preparations for the scheme opening.

On track to open in December

Scotland’s Redress Scheme is on schedule to open for applications in December this year. 

The two organisations which are running the scheme – the Scottish Government Redress Division and the new independent body Redress Scotland – are both continuing their work to ensure the scheme is as straightforward for applicants as possible. 

The Scottish Government Redress Division has now recruited a team of caseworkers who will offer survivors support and guidance throughout the application process.  An induction and training programme, which has been shaped by engagement with survivors and others, will take place from early November to ensure caseworkers have all the skills they need. 

Tailored service for next of kin

We want to carry out some further work to ensure the needs of next of kin applicants are met. We would like to engage with next of kin representatives, to listen and understand their views and then use their feedback to tailor the service to their needs. 

If you would like to help design the service for next of kin please email or call 0808 169 9740 and we will call you back.

Update from Redress Scotland

Redress Scotland has appointed Joanna McCreadie as its Chief Executive. Ms McCreadie has a wide range of experience in leading and working with charities and has also worked for national inspectorates and in residential care and education. She joins Redress Scotland from The Gannochy Trust. 

Earlier this year Johnny Gwynne was appointed as the Chair of Redress Scotland. Mr Gwynne is the former Deputy Chief Constable of Police Scotland and a past Director of the National Crime Agency where he had responsibility for tackling child exploitation.

The recruitment of Redress Scotland panel members, who will be responsible for considering applications and making decisions on levels of financial redress offered to survivors, is under way. The first appointments are expected to be made in November, with further recruitment to follow in December.

Work is also progressing at Redress Scotland on setting up the organisation. This includes recruiting a team who will make sure the right support is in place for the panels. Johnny Gwynne and Joanna McCreadie have been meeting with individuals and representatives of groups.  Discussions in these meetings have been very helpful and are informing the early work of the public body. To contact Redress Scotland and request a meeting please email: 

An important part of setting up a new organisation is developing communications and Redress Scotland is working on a website and a brand identity. They are working with Lucy Richards from design agency StudioLR who have experience in developing communications that are inclusive of lived experience.   

Lucy Richards, from StudioLR, said: 

“We’d really welcome your help to make sure our communications are accessible, compassionate and respectful. If you could spare one hour to join a virtual workshop session, your thoughts would help shape the tone of our language and our visual communications. Please contact if you’re interested.”

The workshops will take place on October 20 in the afternoon and/or early evening. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved. 

Secondary legislation progressing

The Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care (Scotland) Act 2021 in March this year to support the introduction of the scheme. 

However, secondary legislation setting out more detail on how some aspects of the redress scheme will work is needed ahead of opening for applications. Most of the secondary legislation required has been drafted and laid before the Scottish Parliament for scrutiny.

Known as Scottish Statutory Instruments (SSIs), the areas of secondary legislation include: 

  • the form of the waiver which will be signed by survivors if they decide redress is the right option for them
  • the level  of legal fees and other costs to be paid by the scheme
  • exceptions to eligibility of the scheme, in relation to short term respite and holiday care placements

The Scottish Parliament will consider the draft secondary legislation  over the coming weeks and months. The instruments are first considered by the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee and then a lead Parliamentary Committee. The process to be followed depends on the particular SSI and whether it is ‘affirmative’ or ‘negative’.  Normally, it is only affirmative SSIs which are subject to evidence sessions in Committee and votes of the whole Parliament.   

Finding out more

  • you can find out more about the Scottish Government’s approach to financial redress for survivors of historical abuse in care 
  • you can call the Scottish Government Redress Division on 0808 169 9740. Please leave a message and we will call you back. As the team is working from home the answerphone service is permanently switched on but we will return calls as soon as we can
  • you can also email enquiries about the redress scheme to 
  • if you wish to report your abuse, contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111
  • if you wish to tell the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry about your abuse, contact them on 0800 092 9300 or email
  • if you need support, contact Future Pathways on 0808 164 2005 or email
  • if you find you are distressed you can contact Breathing Space free of charge on 0800 83 85 87 or the Samaritans free of charge on 116 123
Information note 12 - October 2021
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