
Financial review of early learning and childcare in Scotland: the current landscape

Information on the early learning and childcare system in Scotland, with a focus on provision of the funded entitlement.


1. Based on detailed work with 10 local authorities.

2. Ipsos MORI (Chris Martin, Rachel Ormston and Sanah Zubairi), Costs of Early Learning and Childcare Provision - Technical Report, September 2016

3. Due to children being registered at multiple settings, the total percentage actually exceeds 100%.

4. Care Inspectorate, Childcare Statistics 2014 - The provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland as at 31 December 2014.

5. The Scottish Government, Additional tables on Early Learning and Childcare to accompany Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.6: 2015.

6. Historically, children were categorised to be in either their preschool or ante-preschool year. This was later relabeled to three and four year olds. In practice, some three year olds will already be in their preschool year and therefore get recorded as four year olds.

7. Eligibility for two year olds has gone through two stages: From August 2014 until August 2015, tax credits were excluded from the qualifying criteria.

8. Department for Work and Pensions Official Statistics , Children in out-of-work benefit households: 31 May 2014.

9. Since these figures are largely based on estimates for each of the underlying criteria the true figure of eligible two year olds may lie within an interval between 25% and 30%.

10. Only around 8% of families with children in receipt of IS/ ESA/ JSA are not receiving CTC.

11. The Scottish Government , Children's Social Work Statistics Scotland, 2013-14.

12. There are some children under two who receive free childcare as a result of being 'in need'.

13. This includes children who defer entry into primary school.

14. For those children whose fifth birthdays fall between the start of term in August and the last day of February, parents/carers may choose to defer their child's entry to primary school until the following August.

15. The Scottish Government, Additional tables on Early Learning and Childcare to accompany Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.6: 2015.

16. The Scottish Government: Additional tables on Early Learning and Childcare to accompany Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.6: 2015.


18. It is possible that there is some variation in these figures due to the staggered entry for two and three year olds. It is conceivable that two and three year olds, who are eligible to take up their early learning and childcare offer in term 1, spend more time in care on average than those who commence eligibility in term 2 or 3. This may explain to some extent why 2 and 3 year olds, when aggregated, spend fewer hours in childcare than 4 year olds to whom the staggered commencement does not apply.

19. The Scottish Government, Children's Social Work Statistics Scotland, 2014-15.

20. Daycare of children is defined by the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 as a service which provides care for children on non-domestic premises for a total of more than two hours per day and on at least six days per year. This includes nursery classes, crèches, after school care and playgroups. These services can be run on a public, private or voluntary basis. The definition does not include services which are part of school activities. Nor does it include activities where care is not provided such as sports clubs or uniformed activities such as Scouts or Guides.

21. Care Inspectorate, Childcare Statistics 2014 - The provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland as at 31 December 2014.

22. Ibid.

23. See section on the Workforce below.

24. Care Inspectorate, Childcare Statistics 2014 - The provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland as at 31 December 2014.

25. The Scottish Government, Additional tables on Early Learning and Childcare to accompany Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.6: 2015.

26. In June 2007 Scottish Ministers set out an agreed increase in the free entitlement from 412.5 hours to 475 hours per annum and set a revised advisory floor concurrent with this new entitlement. This Advisory floor of £1,550 represented a minimum floor level for the academic year 2007/08.

27. Bradshaw, P., Lewis, G., and Hughes, T. (2014) Growing Up in Scotland: Characteristics of pre-school provision and their association with child outcomes Edinburgh: Scottish Government

28. Care Inspectorate, Childcare Statistics 2014 - The provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland as at 31 December 2014.

29. SIMD breaks geographical areas down into 6,505 small areas covering the whole of Scotland and ranks these small areas according to a range of indicator related to income, employment, health, education, skills and training, housing, geographic access and crime.

30. These distances were calculated on the basis of childcare providers' address information provided by Care Inspectorate and geographical information from Ordnance Survey Open Point Data.

31. Jill Rutter, Childcare Costs Survey 2015 , Family and Childcare Trust.

32. Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2015 Workforce Data.

33. Daycare for children is defined as a service which provides care for children on non-domestic premises for a total of more than two hours per day and on at least six days per year.

34. SSSC also have data on Childcare Agencies which are generally not providing the funded childcare and are therefore disregarded in this context.

35. Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2014 Workforce Data.

36. Regulation 5(2) Schools (Scotland) Code 1956.

37. The Scottish Government: Additional tables on Early Learning and Childcare to accompany Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.6: 2015.

38. Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2014 Workforce Data.

39. Care Inspectorate, Annual Returns 2014.

40. Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2014 Workforce Data.

41. See Children and Young People (Scotland) Act Financial Memorandum and Supplementary Financial Memorandum

42. Ipsos MORI (Chris Martin, Rachel Ormston and Sanah Zubairi), Costs of Early Learning and Childcare Provision - Technical Report, July 2016

43. The costs do not include any owner remuneration taken from profits.


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