
Financial review of early learning and childcare in Scotland: the current landscape

Information on the early learning and childcare system in Scotland, with a focus on provision of the funded entitlement.

Annex A: List of published information and statistics

SG statistics

SG ELC statistics pulls together statistics on publicly funded early learning and childcare in Scotland (excluding childminder provision). They refer to a 'census week' (September each year) and contain the following information:

Early Years Centres

1. Number of local authority funded early learning and childcare providers, by type of provision and local authority

2. Number of Gaelic-medium providers, by type of provision and local authority

3. Number of local authority funded registrations, by type of provision and local authority

4. Arrangements for access to a GTCS registered teacher


5. Number of local authority funded registrations, by age and local authority

6. Number of local authority funded registrations whose home language is not English, with Additional Support Needs or with a Coordinated Support Plan, by local authority

7. Percentage of children with access to a GTCS registered teacher during census week, by arrangement, type of provision and local authority


8. Number and Full Time Equivalent ( FTE) staff, by job type, type of provider and local authority

9. Number and Full Time Equivalent ( FTE) GTCS registered teachers, by job type, type of provider and local authority

10. Gender and age of GTCS registered early learning and childcare teachers

11. Functions fulfilled by GTCS registered teachers

12. Qualifications of manager


13. Imputation rates by local authority

14. Estimated population of children eligible for early learning and childcare by local authority

15. Three year old eligibility by local authority

Care Inspectorate statistics

In addition, the Care Inspectorate publish statistics on the provision and use of all registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland. This is gathered from an annual return of providers and includes the following:

Daycare of children settings

16. Number of registered services, by type of provision, sector, urban/rural classification and deprivation category

17. Main and additional services provided

18. Average capacity, by type of provision, sector, urban/rural classification and deprivation category

19. Services providing funded early learning and childcare

20. Age groups provided for by type of provider

21. Service Provision Languages and service philosophies

22. School term/holiday availability

23. Sessions available and whether drop-in or planned

24. Meals and snacks


25. Number of children registered in early learning and childcare services in Scotland, by age, provider type, urban rural location

26. Number of children attending early learning and childcare services in Scotland in a named week, by age, provider type, urban rural location

27. Average number of children attending per week, by provider type, urban rural location and deprivation category


28. Characteristics of childminder workforce

Service quality

29. Quality of early learning and childcare services

30. Early learning and childcare services and grades

31. Early learning and childcare services and complaints

SSSC statistics

The report combines data gathered from the Care Inspectorate's Annual Return with data collected by the SSSC directly from local authorities to form a comprehensive picture of the paid workforce employed in the social service sector in Scotland.

32. Headcount of the Scottish social service workforce

33. Number of active services registered with the Care Inspectorate

34. Scottish social service workforce - estimated split by employer type

35. Estimates for excluded groups

36. Headcount by local authority and employer type

37. Proportion of employment within each local authority area by employer type

38. Staff densities by local authority

39. Headcount by sub-sector and employer type

40. Median staffing complement of registered services by employer type and sub-sector

41. Median age of the workforce by sub-sector and employer type

42. Percentage of staff by gender and sub-sector

43. Percentage of staff by ethnic classification and employer type

44. Percentage of staff by ethnic classification and sub-sector

45. Percentage of staff by disability and sub-sector

46. Percentage of staff by job function and sub-sector

47. Percentage of staff by contract type and sub-sector

48. Median weekly hours by employer type and sub-sector

49. Percentage of part time and full time workers by sub-sector


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