Financial support marketing campaign 2021-2022: evaluation report – August 2022

An overview of the financial support marketing campaign which ran from 29 November 2021 to 20 March 2022, including independent evaluation results.

10. Evaluation and results

Campaign evaluation research was undertaken by Progressive Partnership Ltd. in March 2022 and consisted of 977 online interviews with the target audience.

The sample mirrored the campaign target audiences and comprised people in socio economic groups C1, C2, D,E with a household income of below £60,000 who agreed with at least one of these statements:

  • I have significant financial commitments
  • I am often dependent on loans, borrowing, overdrafts or credit
  • I am juggling a lot of family, work and financial pressures/responsibilities
Performance against SMART objectives:
Objectives Result
To deliver 50% overall campaign recognition 53%
Financial Support TV
To deliver 50% prompted campaign recognition[3] 46%
To achieve 50% agreement among those who have seen the campaign that financial support is available to people who need it 85%
To encourage at least 30% of campaign recognisers[4] to take action. 62%
Objectives Benefit Uptake Debt Advice Affordable Credit
To achieve 30% campaign recognition (20% for Benefit Uptake set prior to activity) 18% 15% 16%
To achieve 50% agreement amongst campaign recognisers that the advertising feels supportive 98% 95% 91%
To achieve 50% agreement amongst campaign recognisers that the advertising seems relevant to people like me 93% 79% 69%
To achieve at least 50% agreement amongst campaign recognisers that the communications are clear and that they know where to go to access the relevant financial support information 88% 94% 77%
To achieve at least 50% agreement amongst campaign recognisers that the communications are clear 96% 92% 87%
To achieve 60% agreement amongst campaign recognisers that they believe affordable credit borrowing and lending options are available NA NA 82%
Claimed action amongst those who recognised the campaign 84% 87% 90%

The levels of claimed and planned action were high across all three campaigns. At a total level across all financial support activity combined 74% of those who recognised the campaign claimed to have taken an action[5]. The most common actions were looking for further information, seeking advice, going online and applying for financial support (e.g. applying for benefits or grants) or tackling the issue.

For Benefit uptake amongst those who recognised this phase of the campaign, 88% said they now know where to go to access relevant support information, 80% claimed they had taken action in response to seeing the advertising and 73% planned to take action.

For Debt Advice amongst those who recognised this phase of the campaign, 94% said they now know where to go to access relevant support information, 79% claimed they had taken action in response to seeing the advertising and 82% planned to take action.

Specifically for Affordable Credit amongst those who recognised this phase of the campaign, 77% said they now know where to go to access relevant support information, 75% claimed they had taken action in response to seeing the advertising and 86% planned to take action.

Claimed action from campaign recognisers:
Financial Support TV Ad[6] Benefit Uptake Debt Advice Affordable Credit
Claimed action 62% 80% 79% 75%
Looked for info 31% 36% 38% 33%
Sought advice (e.g. Citizens Advice Scotland, Stepchange) 26% 38% 31% 38%
Been online 26% 38% 38% 31%
Spoken to friends 25% 25% 43% 29%
Applied for financial support or tackled issue 22% 22% 27% 31%
Planned action from campaign recognisers:
Financial Support TV Ad Benefit Uptake Debt Advice Affordable Credit
Planned action 73% 82% 80% 86%
Looked for info 26% 28% 45% 34%
Sought advice 37% 46% 49% 38%
Been online 33% 38% 21% 28%
Spoken to friends 25% 26% 24% 35%
Applied for financial support for or tackled issue 25% 33% 16% 30%
All action %
Financial Support (combined) 74%
Benefit uptake 84%
Debt Advice 87%
Affordable Credit 90%



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